Alter's home page

This is an english version of my italian home page and, since english isn't my native language, is to be considered an ALPHA page. If you find any bug, please mail me.

If you are looking for hp48gx upgrade info, look here

About me

If you don't know who I am, you can find here some (few) information:
my name is Stefano Garavaglia, aka Alter Ego.
I was born in Milan 27 years ago, and I still live there. I am a Computer Science Engineering student at the politecnico di Milano.

My hobbies are:

My e-mail is Alter.Ego (at) .

Work in Progress!!

Now something useful (maybe): some link to some friends of mine:

Scrivimi!That's all! If you can't help writing me, click on the mailbox on the left: advices are welcome!
