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  Il Liceo

    Bottoni sul web  


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Introducing Liceo Bottoni

Our school is a secondary school, teaching general education with an emphasis on sciences (Liceo Scientifico). It is situated in a fine building in the nord- west of Milan, at 96-98 via Mac Mahon. The school is named after Piero Bottoni (1903-1973), a Milanese architect who, from the 30s on, actively worked as an urbanist and greatly contributed to the new city-planning scheme in the postwar reconstruction. He also planned the building of a new settlement at the outskirts of Milan (QT8) and was politically engaged, both nationally and locally, against any form of public property speculation. Our school is equipped whit the following facilities: library, language laboratory chemistry laboratory physics laboratory biology laboratory history laboratory design laboratories (with pantographs) a multimedia room gyms whit basket- and volleyball court a football grass field a sound-proof music room whit drums, amplifier and sound mixer. The School also offers the following consulting services: CIC (Consulting and Information Centre): it gives guidance to school-leaving students about university studies and further education courses. Speak Point: a psychologist from the Local Health Authority is ready to help students. At present (1999/2000) the School counts 595 students grouped into 30 classes. Two different experimental curricula are being developed in some classes: one concerning the teaching of maths, physics and computer science, the other concerning the teaching of two foreign languages. For some years the School has been taking part in some international competitions, such as "Maths Olympic Games" and "Mathématiques sans frontières". The School has also produced some videos which have been awarded in international competitions.



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