Some dinosaurs were big like houses, and others were small like hens.

One of the oldest dinosaurs was the Coelophysis. He lived in the late triassic. He can live with little water.
The Allosaurus was carnivore and he was the grandpa of the T-Rex. He lived in America in the late jurassic.

The Liopleurodon was carnivore and he was long like a row of six cars. He lived in the late jurassic.
The Ornithocheirus eats fishs he was big like a little airplane. He lived in the early cretaceous.

The Koolasuchus he eats fish and turtles. He lived in the early cretaceous.
The Tyrannosaurus is my favorite dinosaur. He lived in the late cretaceous. He is the most scary dinosaur.

I took all the pictures from this web page.

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