BG_Blitz is a software that allows replay backgammon’s matches recorded from different sources (FIBS – GAMESGRID – Pbem – JellyFish) and make convertion true different source of matches. Very important is the capability of the software of generate and mantein match database for future use and create position database. Much more notice can you read at the BG_Blitz Home Page

Go ----->>>

 After I downloaded the first version of BG_blitz I appreciated this software and when the author Frank Berger ported the version form C++ to Java version I falled in love in this software. Yes because BG_blitz is a software that has got

many function’s. If you want more about bg_blitz go to the web site of Bg_blitz. After the download if you have trouble you can send an e-mail to me or to Frank Berger. The readme file is very clear and explain very good wath to do and how to do. Here you have some help page where you can find some screen shot with menu of the software:

Go to the menu of Bg_blitz



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FIBS, the First Internet Backgammon Server

telnet 4321 or telnet 4321

Welcome to FIBS, the First Internet Backgammon Server

Quale contributo alle pagine italiane di backgammon (vi è solo quella di Roberto Gobbo) ho pensato di tradurre la Guida di FIBS originariamente scritta da Mike Quinn, aggiornata da: Stephen Turner  è curata ora da: Daniel Murphy   Klampenborg, Denmark
Informazioni potranno essere trovate alla Home Page del FIBS

Tornando al mio contributo, ecco la traduzione della Guida di FIBS

Guida per i nuovi giocatori
Guida ai comandi del FIBS
Guida ai comandi toggle del FIBS
Guida alle regole

Per inviare commenti e note puoi mandarmi una e-mail

last update 4.oct.1998