An Anthropological Program by Franco Pelliccioni, Italian Geographical Society, Rome, Italy *
The aim of the program is to find out a "life-style"-frame where to place the different and "unique" varieties of the several maritime cultures. The future of islands and islanders is besides uncertain as much as ever, if we think that it is strictly connected to possible and unfavourable climatic changes coming from the so-called "Greenhouse Effect"
Newfoundland (Canada), Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, French D.O.M.- Development -, 1987 |
Svalbard, High Arctic, Norway -Development, Ethnicity -, 1994. Among the Norwegian and Russian Communities of the Svalbard Islands: development, Man-Environment Relation and Multiethnic Integration in an Archipelago "at the edge of the World" |
Faroe -
Fær Øer/Føroyar - Islands, Denmark - Development-Ethnicity -, 1995. Analysis and singling out of the role actually carried on by a cultural (and linguistic) tradition of ancient Viking offspring, in a geo-political , economic, highly modernized setting. How the centuries old geo-spatial isolation has directed the "autonomous" Faroese path to development
Outer Hebrides (Western Isles, Scotland, UK) - Development -, 1997. Tradition and cultural change in a"Celtic" archipelago "at the edge of the sea" |
Iceland and Viking Greenland 1998: An ethno-socio-anthropological approach to the Icelandic maritime communities, of ancient Viking-Norwegian offspring. With a case-study: Heimaey: history, culture, economy (fishing, fowling, tourism ) in a maritime community of a young Nordic Land and an historical-archaeological survey in the "Eastern Settlement" of the nearby Greenland
Newfoundland : ? |
Born in Rome; Degree in Economics at the University of Rome (1973)
SCHOLAR : in Social Anthropology: LUISS, Rome (1977); in Cultural Anthropology: University of Bologna and University Institute of Cassino (1978)
RESEARCH ASSOCIATE, University of Nairobi (1976) and Khartoum (1979) |
LECTURER of CULTURAL and URBAN ANTHROPOLOGY at the High School for Social Work (EISS) of Rome since 1983/84 to 1986/87
LECTURER, Urban Anthropology (Salerno University, 1985/86) and Development Anthropology (University of Florence, 1986/87)
Member and Fellow of several national and international scientific Organizations
Since 1999 he is
Member of theChairman of the " ad hoc" Regional Committee" for Europe of the Society for Applied Anthropology of Washington (1979-1981). Member of the Economic Commission (Development) of the Istituto Italo-Africano, Rome (1982-1984)
Since 1987 he is Member of The Board of Auditors of the Italian Geographical Society
FIELD-RESEARCHES: Northern Kenya, Isiolo and Lake Turkana (1976, 1980); Mexico, Huave Indians (1978); Sudan, Malakal -White Nile- (1979, 1980/1981); Scotland, Shetland and Orkney Islands (1982); Arctic Canada Inuit (Eskimos): Western Arctic, High Arctic, Baffin, Labrador -Nouveau Québec- (1983); Mountain Community of Turano -Rieti, Central Italy- (1984-1989); Saint-Pierre, Miquelon and Newfoundland Islands (1987); Svalbard Islands, High Arctic, Norway (1994); Faroe Islands -
Fær Øer/Føroyar-, Denmark (1995); Outer Hebrides -Western Isles - Scotland (1997); Iceland and Viking Greenland (1998): thanks to scholarships and grants from Foundations and Public Bodies and to Sponsorships from the Canadian Airlines International, SAS, The British Tourist Authority and Greenland TourismThe Svalbard 1994 ANTHROPOLOGICAL Research, the first in the history of the Norwegian Polar archipelago,
had a grant from the CNR (Italian National Research Council),
was in cooperation with the Italian Foreign Office and the SAS,
and had the following High Patronages:
Italian Council of Ministers Presidency; Italian Secretary of State for the University and for Scientific and Technological Research; Italian Secretary of State for Environment; Rome Province; Italian Navy General Staff; Russian Federation Embassy; Royal Embassy of Norway; Italy-Russia Association; Russian Culture and Language Institute; Franciscan Centre for Environmental Studies; Italian Geographical Society
He attended as rapporteur and/or Chairman (of session) the following International Meetings:
Mérida, Mexico (Society for Applied Anthropology, SfAA, 1978), Denver, Colorado (SfAA, 1980), Edimburgh, Scotland (SfAA, 1981), Rome (1982), Québec and Vancouver , Canada (XI International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, ICAES, 1983), East Lansing, Michigan (Sudan Studies Association 1985), Massa Carrara, Italy (1996); Prati di Tivo, Italy (1996), Ny Ålesund, Spitsbergen, Svalbard (1997), Ravello, Italy (1998)
1966 - 2006
He contributes to several scientific U.S. and Italian Journals.
Total number of scientific publications: 98
(reviewes=47; notes=15, articles=28; essays=8)
Journalistic activity: Professional Journalist since November 2001
Scientific popularization
articles= 574
Italian Radio (RAI-TV) broadcasts= 10
The Documents:
DOCUMENT 2: The Human And Geographical Sciences In The Arctic, Priorities And Perspectives : An Introductory Outline Paper Read On The 15 May 1997 At The International Workshop Held At Ny Ålesund (Spitsbergen Island, Svalbard), During The Official Opening Of The Italian Arctic Base Of The CNR "Dirigibile Italia"
http://www.ub/es/medame/geoartic.htmlDOCUMENT 3 :Archipelagos In Comparison: Sea-Ones (Fær Øer, Denmark), Land-Ones (Carnia- Friuli- Italy); Islands In Comparison: Sea-One (Mykines), Land-One (Sauris) . An Ethno-Antropological Approach To Two Cultural Distances. [Paper Read At The International Seminar: "Two Distant Regions Compared"]
This Page is integrally INCLUDED IN A WEB PAGE BY THE UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA, - Universitat de Barcelona -, SPAIN, titled: GEOGRAFIA D'EUROPA: TEXTOS DE SUPORT - http://www.ub/es/medame/compisla.htmlDOCUMENT 4 "Anthropology In Italy" [1980, Human Organization, Journal of The Society For Applied Anthropology, XXXIX, 3, 284-286]
f-pelli@iol.itCREATED: SPRING 1998
UPDATED 14 January 2011
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ALL THE ENGLISH WEB PAGES by FRANCO PELLICCIONI: ATLANTIC RESEARCHES: //Shetland and Orkney, Scotland, UK // Saint-Pierre, Miquelon (DOM, France), Newfoundland (Canada) // Svalbard, High Arctic, Norway // Faroe Islands, Denmark //Outer Hebrides -Western Isles- Scotland, UK / Iceland // Arctic Research // African Research // Italy & Mexico / THE BIBLIOGRAPHIES: GEOGRAPHIC: Alaska / Canada/ Carnia / Egypt/ Italy / Kenya / Scotland / South Africa /Southern Sudan /Western Africa / THEMATIC:ADVENTOROUS WOMEN: Great travellers, Explorers, Anthropologists, Archaeologists American Indians / Applied Anthropology / Environment /Explorations / Inuit/ Maritime Museums / Multiculturalism / Non EU Immigration and the School /North Pole/ PIRATES AND PRIVATEERS IN NORTHERN ATLANTIC/ Racism /SHIPWRECKS / Slavery in Southern Sudan /Trains / Urban Anthropology / Viking World / Volcanoes/ / Whale Hunting / "West" / General /