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Bibliografia descrittiva

Supernove, congiunzioni planetarie e sismicità terrestre (sismologia quantistica)

Giovanni Imbalzano © 2012 Moncalieri Italy


    Marea: " Sole interviene (solo) a modificare l'ampiezza della marea (acquea) componente di gran lunga più importante della m. atmosferica è costituita da una oscillazione solare semidiurna... La teoria delle m. atmosferiche deve spiegare il fatto che la m. lunare è da 20 a 30 volte minore della m. solare, anche se la forza gravitazionale di m. esercitata dalla Luna è più che doppia di quella esercitata dal Sole, e che essa è a sua volta maggiore di quanto ci si attenderebbe da un calcolo basato sulle sole forze gravitazionali" (L.U.I. Treccani, 1974 Roma).

     Premise: commonly we think that far-off asters, also the great planets as Jupiter or Saturn, they are able to influence gravity only a tenth of what the Moon can do, accountable for liquid tides and the earthly tides, as the earthquakes: the same action of the Sun penetrate below the surface earthly seems to be half of that lunar, and the tides contrast to the action of the Sun and of the Moon, reducing of a third the measurable value with a "pendulum of twist". However, if suddenly we miss the gravitational action of the Sun or of Jupiter, is evident that the effect on the Earth would be many more disruptive in comparison with the absentia of the Moon! Such we may certainly resolve such contradictions introducing the ratios of energy (potential) and not of force and acceleration. In such a case, quite the reverse of what over, the Jupiter or Saturn energetic actions are superior ten times in comparison with the Moon. It is well true that always does not have been possible that we have noticed seismic phenomenon in concomitance of strong planetary perturbations, but this only because the relative action is verified in a well determinate directions and in more tender geological places. In other words, we may consider the planetary perturbations as possible causes (necessaries but not sufficient) to sudden seismic effects, as the fuse of an explosive. More exactly, in a manner similar to the damping of a pendulum, such perturbations furnish the energy that is stored, while the possible movements of earthly clods force the oscillating system, increasing her power. G. I.



Seismic perturbation, Bode law and WIMP interactions (gravitational quantization)

Giovanni Imbalzano © 2013 Moncalieri Italy

Perturbazioni sismiche, legge di Bode e interazioni WIMP (quantizzazione gravitazionale)

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Graphs for m>5 compatible with our MAX of magnitudeClick

    Synthetic Trend:  Alaska/Rock Mountain W* ~ Solomon-Vanuatu-Tonga\N. Zealand ~ America C.\Mexico* +Ecuador+Colombia+Venezuela;

~ Russia/Other = Iberi-Africa, Madagascar, Iran-&tc, Burma, India-&tc, Indonesia, Philippines, Antarctic, Atlantic, Iceland, Arctic ~ New Guinea/Papua ~

Philippines\Japan ~ Atlantic/Madagascar ~ Iran/India* ~ China/Indonesia ~ Russia East / West (*) Alaska+Canada* R. M. W= Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, Utah;

    Mix Others: ~ MIX Others/Ande* = Chile +Peru +Isles as Easter... Atlantic N-Atlantic S, America CW-America CE, Pacific N-Pacific S, China E-China W,

    Russia E-Russia W; Mexico+California+New MexicoIran with Afghanistan, Caucaso, Turchie, Arabia e Cipro; India +Pakistan +Nepal +Buthan +Bangladesh +Isles.

    Details: China West / East of Burma\Chin&India=> Nepal, Antille/Argentina, America Center W/E. With a volcanic focuses:

Iceland/Iberi-Africa & Arctic/Antarctic; with a volcanic perturbations (aleatory): Africa Est/Center-Sud.

    Other details: Atlantic N\S, Hawaii/Australia, Tonga\Vanuatu, Solomon & Regions, Concordance's &Mag. Average; Concordance's &Mag. for Italy;

Italy/Greece + SicilyE/Calabria, Marche next UmbriAbruzzi/Lazio.
