Il progetto GLOBE proposto e sviluppato presso il Liceo Scientifico "Ettore Majorana" in Moncalieri (TO, IT):

= International GLOBE Project for the Students of the 3rd, 4th, 5th forms =

GLOBE TEACHER in charge for the project: Giovanni Imbalzano.

The GLOBE project was inserted into the activity concerning Physics (and Atmosphere), that professor Imbalzano has been developing since the 1997 in the 3rd, 4th, 5th classes of Liceo section E, and in 3rd classe section C since September 1998. The project is arousing great interest among the students. Some local papers ("Il Corriere di Moncalieri") and the TV network ("RAISAT-3") has spoken about it. The students -on their teacher's advice- have been translating the WEB pages of the GLOBE project since 1997, together with the activities of the monitoring of the atmosphere and the transmission of the data, in order to give useful information to all the GLOBE Schools in ITALY and abroad (Italian Switzerland).

Groups of 4 students are formed, each group has a section to translate into English. Lots of HTM files have beeen translated, such as:
at?.htm (ATmosphere)
co?.htm (COver)
pr?.htm (PRecipitation)
sw?.htm (S. Water).
Other files *.PDF have been translated, version *.DOC:
gps.doc on use of G.P.S.
internit.doc on GLOBE in INTERNET
landcvr.doc on LANDCOVER
soil.doc on SOIL.

All files are listed and linkable from WEB page:
where you can find some images thet are also present in site GLOBE U.S.A. Lots of images regarding the geographical site and the activities carried out in Moncalieri have been produced by the students with the help of Mr. Imbalzano.

Students and teacher are working hard on the project: translating, typing, building up WEB pages take extra-time, out of the Curriculum. The remarkable work the student have been done up to now, took 3 months. Each student has had the pages he produced corrected by the language teachers. Each student has been asked to present the pages to the class in order to create the useful basis for further applications. The students often gather data on holiday, in turn of course. You can see the WEB page:
(on this page you can find some more details on the development of the project).

We can say that all the Italian Schools are using the amount of information offered by the students whose work permits an easier comprehension of the material proposed by GLOBE and consequently a quicker and more affective diffusion of the project to the advantage of the Italian Schoool System and eventually of this old Earth of ours!

GLOBE teacher: mr. Giovanni Imbalzano (

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  • ~ R E M A R K S . Besides the Home Page of the School, the teacher in charge for the project Mr. G. Imbalzano ("formatore P.N.I.") has produced more Home Pages, spending his time and money, as for example: (ITALIA) (FRANCE) (CANADA) (U.S. AMERICA).
    For his CURRICULUM you can see on WEB page
    "../works98.doc", and
    "II Fermat's Theorem" first PROOF (1988) & "Sommerfeld CONSTANT" (1996).

           A Historical Description of Moncalieri, the seat of our School, follows on:
    GOOD BYE! GIANNI Imbalzano
    ~ ~ ~

           MONCALIERI is a small town near TURIN on the South-East bank of the river PO. It took its name from an ancient Castle of the "Savoy House". In 1230 Moncalieri was called "Villa S. Egidio", it was a property of the Templar Knights. Later the Municipality of TESTONA was transferred to Moncalieri. The town has had democratic roots since its origin. An insurrection was crushed down by King Carlo Emanuele IV (july 23rd, 1797). Every year, on july 15th, Moncalieri celebrates its Patron Saint, the German nobleman "Beato" Bernardo, a crusader who, coming from Baden-Baden, died at Testona during his last expedition set out for peace (1458). That is the reason why Moncalieri is twinned with BADEN.

           In the a9th Century Moncalieri gave ospitality to a great scientist Father Francesco Densa from NAPLES, a metheorologist, geophysicist and a disciple of the famous astronome Father Angelo Secchi. F. Densa built the Observatory of PIEDMONT and LIGURIA, activated the "Specula Vaticana" and ran the first "world web" of meteorogical Observations.

           Today the Observatory built for the "Real Collegio" -the prestigious seat of the old Liceo Scientifico in Moncalieri- is still working. The Students directed by Mr. Imbalzano are going to study the environmental conditions (Soil, Hidrology, Biology) of Moncalieri, inside also a project of Regione Piemonte.

           Prof. Sandro Sutti from Mantova is the teacher in charge for the National GLOBE Project, supported by Ministero Pubblica Istruzione (Affari Esteri) E.N.E.A. and A.S.I. (the same as N.A.S.A. in USA).

           You can find further information on the pages of Liceo Scientifico "Ettore Majorana":
    (GIANNI Imbalzano).