I often felt as if I were suddenly seized by something (I do not say by someone) that made me hover and get in touch with extraordinary sensations. That hold or vice started from the nape of my neck and then spread to my whole body. It gripped me and I was afraid of it. I felt as if I were lifted from the ground, and were sucked into an extraordinary dimension, inside a sort of atmosphere which paralysed my nerves. I was travelling through space, getting in touch with the clouds and, at the same time, I came into imperceptible contact with the ground and everyday reality. This sensation mostly happened to me when I was at home, either absorbed in my thoughts or not absorbed at all. The effect lasted some minutes which seemed never ending. I wanted to plunge back into my natural condition. I was not attracted to such an experience that shook my body, making me soar upwards, or outwards.

We are energy and are surrounded by energy. We must start from this premise to understand the validity of prana therapy, that aims at re-establishing the energetic balance whenever it is altered, deficient or modified by congestion. Laying-on of hands is never toxic, invasive or negative. It acts as a balancing element and removes the causes of disease. According to the healer, man must be considered in his entirety, body, soul, and intellect. Nowadays official medicine divides man into several parts, isolating them from the global context.
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