The Sir James Henderson British School was founded in 1969 to serve the needs of the British and international communities of Milan - all of those, in fact, who require an English-medium education. The school is, by statute, non-profit-making. A member of ECIS, it is also a founder member of COBISEC and is authorized by the Italian government and inspected by the British government's Department for Education. The Head is an overseas member of HMC. SJHS is a day school for boys and girls from 3-18 years of age.

The programme follows that of schools in the UK and of similar British schools outside the UK. Some 40 nationalities are represented by the student body. The school provides a structured programme from nursery to university entrance, and the majority of graduates enter university in Britain, Italy, and the United States as well as those in other countries. Italian students are prepared for their official Elementary and Middle school leaving certificates. The school is a recognized centre for the GCSE and A Level examinations.The teaching staff consists of fully qualified, experienced teachers who also have specific responsibility for the pastoral care and guidance of the pupils.

In January 1997, the school moved to a large complex in NE Milan. The school has its own buses and is well served by municipal transport routes. The teaching areas are housed in buildings that have been extensively modernised. Both sections of the school share outstanding facilities that include fully equipped modern science laboratories with a data logging centre, a computer room, a dining hall, a gymnasium, a Sixth Form centre, music practice rooms, outdoor play and sports areas. A full range of subject classrooms allow the school to offer a very broad curriculum. There is a library and an assembly hall which is used for drama and music. The school has the use of a modern sports complex with swimming pools, an athletics track and extensive playing fields.

Admission is dependent on interview and reports from previous schools. In all cases the child must have an appropriate level of English before being fully assimilated into the academic programme.




Steven Anson MBA BA


Age range:


Head of Upper School

Gregory Wright


600; 45 nationalities,
289 boys, 310 girls
Pre-school: 67
Lower School: 296
Upper School: 237

Head of Lower                           

Head of Science

Angela Dean


Gerry Rafferty Bsc Msc





Annual fees:


 full time

12 men, 32 women

 day only:

Lit 7 - Lit 17 million

 part time

8 men, 12 women


Lit 2 million




Lit 3.5 million



Nat Uk






Extra Exams:





GCEA, GCSE, IGCSE, Associated Board, Royal Colleges of Music





Curriculum structure  







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