


Istituto Internazionale di Teologia Pastorale Sanitaria
Pontificia Facoltà Teologica "TERESIANUM"
Largo O. Respighi, 6     I - 00135 ROMA
Tel. 003906 3297495   -    Fax 003906 3296352

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Nature and Purpose

The International Institute of the Pastoral Theology of Health Care is a centre of research, of theological and practical formation for the world of health. It is under the care of the Order of the Servants of the Sick (Camillians) which supplies the necessary resources and takes care of the administration.
The "Camillianum" is incorporated into the "Teresianum" Pontifical Theological Faculty as a course of specialization in the second and third cycle.
The "Camillianum" is established in accordance with the norms laid down in the Apostolic Constitution "Sapientia Christiana" and the corresponding "Ordinationes" and is governed by the Statute approved by The Holy See on the 28th April 1987. The "Teresianum" Pontifical Theological Faculty, as incorporating Faculty, has the right among other things: to approve the Plan of Studies presented by the Council of the Institute; to promote the academic standards of the Institute and the faithful observance of and respect for Catholic doctrine; to confer the academic degrees of Licentiate and Doctorate with specialization in the Pastoral Theology of Health Care. The "Camillianum" achieves its objectives through the study of the themes of health and suffering in their biblical, theological, pastoral, spiritual, ethical, psychological, sociological and historical aspects. The social sciences, especially psychology and sociology are employed within the parameters of a proven philosophico-antropological vision.
By means of this integrated study programme the Institute prepares students to encounter the sick person in his totality and with his existential problems (Cf. SD 3) It guides them to animate pastorally all who work within the field of health, to teach professional ethics in medical and paramedical schools and to consider the field to health a privileged place of evangelization.
The principal activities of the Institute include: offering the students a "Plan of Studies" answering to the needs of their particular ministry; promoting research in the field of the pastoral theology of health care; providing pastoral aids and promoting publications at a scientific level; organizing and animating congresses and meetings relating to the pastoral theology of health care; promoting initiatives aimed at all who work in the field of heath (doctors, nurses, voluntary workers, chaplains, religious, deacons...); offering specific assistance to the religious congregations involved in the service of the sick and pastoral health care.

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