AliasCrony 2.2.0 (FAT)
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AliasCrony is the ultimate alias manager. It has several features:
- Since aliases of applications lose the capability to have files dropped on, when the original is on a different volume, AliasCrony can create SuperAlias, a new alias kind, having drag capability always active.
- It can create aliases or SuperAliases and put them into specific predefined folders, when you're using the Drag&Drop mode. From its menus, instead, you can select the destination folders by using a speedy way.
- It can update aliases (also as SuperAliases) on the fly or else through its menus.
- It can add, to aliases, some useful custom icon, freeing a bit of space on desktop (as before: you can add the custom icon on the fly or else by using the proper menu).
- You may configure any action of above through preferences and change them with one keystroke before creating aliases or SuperAliases .
- It can scan all on-line volumes to create lists of:
- attached aliases,
- unattached aliases,
- aliases and originals on different volumes.
- It can scan also individual folders-disks.
The created lists return useful infos about the aliases found, moreover, from these lists, AliasCrony can do several actions:
- retrieves and shows aliases and originals.
- links/updates/deletes/moves aliases.
- shows the Finder's Info window, about aliases and originals.
- updates aliases of applications to SuperAliases.
- trashs the whole aliases list.
AliasCrony is Internet Config and Navigation Manager aware, Appearance Savvy and requires at least System Seven to run.
What's new in 2.2.0 version
- More preset destination folders.
- More infos on list windows.
- Keyboard navigable lists.
- Windows position saving.
- Improved Internet menu.
- Navigation Manager aware.
- Improved Modal Dialog filters.
- Linked with Internet Config 2.0.
- Linked with MoreFiles 1.4.9.
- Linked with Appearance SDK 1.03.
- Recompiled with Interfaces-Libraries 3.2.
- Recompiled by using the newest compiler.
- Addresses update.
- Better error checking.
- Better error infos.
- Better alerts.
- Code optimized for better performances.
- Removed registration form from About Box.
- Added Registrations folder.
- Added Support folder.
- All code revisited.
Hardware and software requirements
AliasCrony should work on any Macintosh with a minimum of System 7. It's accelerated for PowerPC. If you have the Appearance Manager and/or same the Navigation Manager, they will be taken advantage of. Some menu items may be disabled if you don't have Internet Config 2.0 installed (only on PowerMac).
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