Abstract of "Struttura produttiva e crescita economica"
Struttura produttiva e crescita economica
(Structure of production and economic growth)


Carlo Milana

(Published in Ispequaderni, Rome, September 1979, No.15, monographic issue)


The interrelations between the structure of production and economic growth are examined by means of the input-output analysis. The empirical results show that structural and technological changes within the single industries may affect the entire economic system in many ways. Some changes could be difficult to examine with the traditional (partial-equilibrium) sectoral analysis. The study of these changes is carried out in an intertemporal framework and shows how investments change the comparative advantages in the future. Taking account of the intertemporal and sectoral interdependence, the restructuring activities within the industries should be evaluated in relation with the general economic equilibrium in the medium- and long-run.

E-mail address: carlo.milana@iol.it

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