Access to Web Sites of the European Institutions

Access to Internet Sites of the European Institutions
from the Web Site of Carlo Milana

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European Union
Euro Info Centres

European Commission
European Commission Information Services:
SCAD Plus (DG X)
(World Wide Web information service provided by the Directorate-General X of the European Commission. It includes the former SCAD and INFO92 databases, as well as practical information for the European citizen. The user will also find summaries of a broad selection of articles from periodicals from all over the world relating to Community affairs.)
Echo (DG XIII)

CORDIS (DG XIII) (Community Research and Development Information Service). This service provides information about Research and Development sponsored and supported by the European Union.

ISPO (DG III/DG XIII) The Information Society Project Office aims to promoting co-operation and development in the various areas of the Information Society. It acts as a bridgebuilder between Commission Services and external organizations interested in the Information Society. ISPO is part of ISAC (Information Society Activity Centre) that is jointly established by DG III (Industry) and DG XIII (Telecomunications, Information Market and Exploitation Society). See basic information about ISPO's Objectives, Activities, and Services. For inquiries and further information, contact ISPO InfoDesk Free Phone Service or send messages to the E-mail address

I'M EUROPE (Information Market of Europe): Your window to the multimedia information world.
Inforegio (DG XVI) (Information on the European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund.)

Grants and Loans from the European Union


EUR-OP (Office of Publications)

Council of the European Union

European Parliament

Court of Justice and Court of First Instance

European Court of Auditors

Economic and Social Committee

Committee of the Regions

European Central Bank

European Investment Bank

Other Agencies and Bodies in the European Union


Eur-lex (Official Journal, Series L (Legislation), and Series C (Communication), issues in the last 20 days; Treaties; Legislation; Consolidated texts; Jurisprudence)

White Books

Green Books

Concours (Competitive Examinations) (in French)

Personnel and Administration of DG IX

Career at the European Commission

Useful resources
|Home page| |International Organizations| |Libraries| |National Organizations| |Newspapers & Magazines| |Papers & Documents| |Statistical Institutions| |Stock Exchanges & Investments| |Universities| |Virtual Bookshops|

|Search Engines: Web Pages| |Search Engines: E-mail Addresses| |Internet Services| |Links to Internet2| |Messages to GSM Mobile Phones| |Job Openings for Economists| |Announcements of Economics Conferences|

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