Army list submission

Army list Submission

Army list must be submitted to the following e-mail address:
before February 8th 2004.
The form found here (Word format) or here (ascii text format) must be attached to the e-mail.

Form compilation guidelines

Two army list must be submitted, corresponding to the same army and period/region/etc... limitations. The army list may be different in composition and/or subdivision of elements into commands.
The heading rows of the two pages in the form must include the same information.

Heading rows
Player Name: this should be simple...
e-mail address: place here an e-mail address where we can contact you for corrections to the army lists.
DB: add an M or R according to the tournement you are going to partecipate
Army list Name: this and the following three should be simple too...
Book number: -
Army list number: -
Page: -
Period/Region/Tribe limitations: include here all the limitations of Period, Geographical region, tribe or else that apply to your army list

List of the elements
Type: place here the name (shortened if necessary, but understandable) of the element type
Classification: classification of the element according to DBx rules, as example: Irr Ax (X) or Sh (O)
Number: place here the total number of bases of the type specified
AP : place here the AP cost of each base of the type specified
Tot. AP: place here the total AP cost of the bases of the type specified
Tot. EE: place here the total Element Equivalents of the bases
Total: place here the total AP and the total EE of all the bases in the army
Army break point: place here the break point of the whole army.

Type Classification Number AP Tot. AP Tot. EE
Archers Irr Ps (O) 8 2 16 4

Exp, Hd (I), and naval
Type Classification Number AP Tot. AP Tot. EE
Galley Irr Gal (F) 2 2 4 0

Doube bases (e.g., 4 Bw (X) bases and 4 Bw (O) bases which forms 4 double bases)
Type Classification Number AP Tot. AP Tot. EE
Archers and javelinmen Reg Bw (X) and (O) 4+4 7+3 40 8

Double bases (e.g., 8 Kn (I) bases forming 4 double bases)
Type Classification Number AP Tot. AP Tot. EE
Knights Reg Kn (I) 4+4 10+8 72 8

For each element belonging to a command (including the general) the classification and number of bases must be specified.
In the last two rows place the total number of EE in the command and the command break point.
If not specified it will be assumed that baggage are NOT-mobile and belonging to the C.-in-C. command.

Classification Number
Reg Cv (S) (general) 1
Reg Cv (S) 3
Reg Bw (X) and (O) 3+3
Reg Ps (S) 1
Total EE 10.5
Break point 3.5