

This is a very preliminary selection of photos taken during the competition. Click on the image to see a larger version.

first floor ground floor
Andrea Scipioni, Head of the organization Marco Boniardi, DBM umpire
Marco Boniardi and Alberto Moggi, DBM umpires good luck?
Paolo Vigna, DBR umpire Stefano Grombi, DBR umpire
Repair Baggage 1
Baggage 2 Baggage 3
Baggage 4 Baggage 5
Baggage 6 Baggage 7
Baggage 8 someone hates romans
magical help? a lot of elephants
prize giving from left to right: 2nd, 1st and 3rd classified DBM senior
at the end... work!
miscellaneous images 1 miscellaneous images 2
miscellaneous images 3 miscellaneous images 4
miscellaneous images 5 miscellaneous images 6
miscellaneous images 7 miscellaneous images 8
miscellaneous images 9 miscellaneous images 10
miscellaneous images 11

The following photos have been kindly provided by Laurent Shaiblè, (original comments in french have been kept).

Olivier prepare ses as L'exterieur du batiment
L'anglais romanophile JP compte ses abbatis
Il rigolait moins plus tard Encore un anglais
En fait il avait raison de rire Aie, il se gratte le nez