
ESC Album


Matia Bazar- Tango

Arista (1983), Virgin (1991)


1.Vacanze Romane
2. Palestina
3. Elettrochock
4. Intellighenzia
5. Il video sono io
6. Scacco un po' matto
7. Tango nel fango
8. I bambini di poi

This album was released after the participartion at Sanremo Festival with the beautiful Vacanze Romane. Tango is a collection of electronic pop tunes where the voice of Antonella Ruggiero reaches the highest peeks of her career. Surprisingly modern for that age this CD is a must for all the ESC fans.

Other ESC albums:


L'isola dei Tesori - Enrico Ruggeri
2. La Prova - Raf
3. Senza pietà - Anna Oxa
4. Sospesa - Antonella Ruggiero
5. Aria e cielo - Umberto Tozzi
6. Exit - Alice
7. Fleurs - Franco Battiato

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