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Australian Scientists Prove Time Travel Is Possible

December 12th, 2015 | by Vandita
Australian Scientists Prove Time Travel Is Possible

Some physicists are convinced that time travel is possible. A group of scientists from the University of Queensland, Australia, have simulated how time-travelling photons might behave; suggesting that, at the quantum level, the grandfather paradox – which makes time travel impossible – could be resolved. The study used photons – single particles of light – to simulate quantum particles travelling back through time. By studying their behavior, the scientists revealed possible strange aspects of modern physics.

“The properties of quantum particles are ‘fuzzy’ or uncertain to start with, so this gives them enough wiggle room to avoid inconsistent time travel situations. Our study provides insights into where and how nature might behave differently from what our theories predict,” said co-author Professor Timothy Ralph.

The Daily Mail explains:

In the simulation, the researchers examined the behavior of a photon traveling through time and interacting with its older self. In their experiment they made use of the closely related, fictitious, case where the photon travels through normal space-time and interacts with another photon that is stuck in a time-travelling loop through a wormhole, known as a closed timelike curve (CTC). Simulating the behavior of this second photon, they were able to study the behavior of the first – and the results show that consistent evolutions can be achieved when preparing the second photon in just the right way.


Wormholes are theoretical tunnels that create shortcuts in space-time. A study in May from Dr Luke Butcher at Cambridge University argued that if a thin wormhole stayed open long enough, people could send messages through time using pulses of light, or photons.

Because of Albert Einstein’s well-tested theories of special and general relativity physicists believe time travel is possible. Special relativity posits that space and time are aspects of the same thing, known as the space-time continuum, and that time can slow down or speed up, depending on how fast you are moving, relative to something else. General relativity suggests that it would be possible to travel backwards in time by following a space-time path, i.e. a CTC that returns to the starting point in space, but arrives at an earlier time.

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In 2012, physicists David Wineland and Serge Haroche shared the Nobel Prize in physics for demonstrating how “quantum weirdness” could not only exist at the subatomic micro-world level, but also show itself in the macro-world.


“The question of time travel features at the interface between two of our most successful yet incompatible physical theories – Einstein’s general relativity and quantum mechanics. Einstein’s theory describes the world at the very large scale of stars and galaxies, while quantum mechanics is an excellent description of the world at the very small scale of atoms and molecules,” said Martin Ringbauer, a PhD student at UQ’s School of Mathematics and Physics and a lead author of the paper.

With several physical problems and paradoxes, is it really possible to go backwards through time? In a new BBC documentary, astrophysicist Stephen Hawking suggests that it simply isn’t possible to go back in time. And there’s not much to look forward to, either. Nonetheless, advances in quantum theories could perhaps provide some understanding of how to overcome time travel paradoxes.

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  1. David Costa says:

    They don’t have consciousness to do such thing, they think out loud… I already went to the past and the future and probably i can prove it… by Mr Wizard with ketchup please

    And to prove that i can say something like ‘The surveillance system is a paradox and it will echo the lives of everyone and everyone will live the noise and not the harmony of nature, because of the noise of the computer processors’….

    The paradox of living the future so many times in your mind… you can’t survive it… try to have 1000 possible futures in your mind and try to live them all at the same time… yeah right… good luck on that…

    • Erick Linden says:

      Dude, that made no sense at all.

    • franciscopires says:

      Humans Make a mountain out of a molehill, Seeing the future as it is exactly going to happen is real, is possible, but that can also be altered if the outcome is not good for us. In our minds we can make a million of futures, but real or happening future is only one, and is easily possible to see.

    • Cody says:

      It makes perfect sense! Why didnt i see this before…

  2. John Gavel says:

    There is no limit to possible futures. It shouldn’t matter how many you have in your mind. Yet if you had to, don’t think of possible futures in a micro sense, with exact details. Think of it in a macro sense, in this you should realize that all those details exist in every scenario its just your micro focus that defines every possible out come. In this your consciousness is the paradox, not echoing but ignoring the harmony of nature. Survival is the enigma, not death. Its not the fact that you cant survive, that’s easy. Its the fact that your alive right now with just as many sources as futures.

  3. franciscopires says:

    Of course time travel is possible,we are simply technologically not yet ready for that adventure. Can you imagine if we had already that technology? The fuckers in power would have gonne many to the past to alter time for them to have more conttrol over people.
    Seeing the future as it is exactly going to happen is real, is possible. that can also be altered if the outcome is not good for us.

  4. David Barton says:

    If time travel is possible, then why is no one from the future here yet.

  5. Allen milburn says:

    It’s possible to see time travel going back because u have a reference point but to go into the future not possible

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