She says she has had 18 hybrid fetuses with aliens, aborting and filming the last, has photos and videos of the flying saucers, a photo of the ETs that abduct her, a radiograph of an implant in the brain and magnetic phosphorescent marks on the body .... Source: First video: Second video: Read here: Follow us on facebook:
When she impregnated couldn't she go to a doctor here on Earth to get some sort of evidence?
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I know it is controversal, and i know its hard to beliefe, some of such storys, she must be a tafe woman with a strong minde, maybe others would be going nuts, to have such an impact on her Body with 18th pregnantcy, i respect her, and her courage. Most of the people are not ready to beliefe in such things, so please do not judge anyone unless you have more information, maybe it's true. or only, you are afraid of the reality. I have seen extraterrestrials, they are slim, and i have seen them in abosolut darknes the made a dim light around them so you could see it, they was about 110 cm high. but they have telepathic thoughts and can float, nothing is impossible. So please Guy's be a bit more Respectful. we have non beliefers enough a round here. and if you don't than shut the fu***k up and Sweep for your owen Door. Thanke you...
Did they do solo or by gang?
All jokes aside if this is true then it would make sense to alot of ppl claim
That's what these feminist need a good old alien Dicken nobody wants the most c*** on Earth so they might as well go somewhere else
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Great story!
No umbilical cord, after birth, etc..
That "hybrid baby" was nothing more than a skinned squirrel. Seen a lot of them growing up.
-- 👍👍👍
She got mega gang banged
That music though geez
I wonder what they will do to her when she gets dementia?? Lol 😂👍✌️💯
I would say she agreed to be part of this genetic programme when she was in sprit form. However, when you incarnate onto this earthly plane you have no recollection or knowledge what you signed up for 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔👍👍👍👍👍👍
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I remember her story but 15 times??? When was that said
Those perverted aliens busted a lot of nutz inside her.
if this is a hoax it is the best one i have seen in a long time. I said IF (to the tinfoiler's that's will most like jump on my back)
I dated her the girl she was younger this that time but I didn't know oh,. I shouldn't do if I knew oh
That was a frog. Lol
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Someone they like to be famous
You shouldn't use music in your videos. Annoying and can't take it seriously.
pregnant 18 times, nto once went to a doctor for real proof to anyone...come on
3:04 looks like its made of papier mache or something
Great! Bad enough all those skanks gettin preggas just for government handouts but this takes it to a whole new level! Eeeww!
She ever heard of contraceptives ?
Aliens know how to pick em, she is so hot.😫
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This is an old story. Just FYI.
just another schizo, searching for attention
Damn, I thought I was gona get to see alien porn
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So the ET Didn't use a condom ? Now there are space AIDS !
Jesus was a hybrid or aliens so why not.
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U can tell everyone the truth today an it wouldnt matter. All the fake news all the hypnosis going on its pointless we are so far gone its about to hit the fan. Soon itll all b over. Large bodies of water decending flashing in the skies loud booms rockets being launched off its happening an no one cares.
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she must be wider than water canalS on mars