Imbalzano Giovanni
From Wikinfo 2012
Giovanni Imbalzano (Italian)
Contents |
“Annibal d’Animo”, ClassMate of Santo Versace, toward the year 1954 meets a certain Ettore Majorana, to the search of a confidante, beside the Central Station of the State Railroads of Reggio Calabria. In 1958 he wins a competition of poetry (organized in honour of Salvatore Quasimodo and of the Museo Nazionale della Magna Grecia)... but then he lost the traces. Only in 2009 he published her "Lyric Diary" (Terrestrial and Celestial Experiences). Meantime, Ettore Majorana was viewed to "Serra St. Bruno" (to 36km from the Station of Vibo Valentia, 84km distant from Reggio Calabria); probably, at now he is in peace near the Convent. Perhaps, he was frightened from the power of the atomic Radioactivity.
Life / Work
Giovanni Imbalzano is born on February 10, 1944 in Reggio Calabria, he is father of two daughters and grandfather, and he lives in Moncalieri (Italy). He moved to Turin in 1959, and overcame dearly the examination of classical maturity (her theme on Leopardi an Manzoni was published in a Napoli journal). But he was attracted by the epistemological problems of the modern science and by the course of degree in General Physics. Pupil of Francesco Tricomi, during the last year of the course tackled a theoretical problem, still today fundamental for its implications: the violation of the law of T-symmetry, by a famous experiment on the average-lifetime of the neutral boson |K°>. The conclusion was a nonzero choice of the θ angle, in a electroweak theory, probable but still unknown (see CP violation). Graduate in 1967, continued with studies of Nuclear Physics, re-define later the values of mass of elementary particles in accordance with the scheme of quarks. Student of Tullio Regge, has with him an alight discussion on the "Ising model three-dimensional" and on the impossibility of a construction of the all general.
He is dedicated to the teaching of Mathematics and Physics and Computer, with experiences in various institutes of secondary school. Married man (1969) has absolved the military obligations, reaching the degree of lieutenant (of complement) of Artillery (1970-71). Trained for the teaching of Mathematics and Physics and Computers, has taught Mathematics and Physics with experimentation of Computer Science.
The interests of studies (as it result from the publications) they can be listed as follows.
- Didactics of the Modern Physics: on Quantum theories and Relativity (communications of the 1975 to the LXI Congress of the Società Italiana di Fisica);
- Computer science: ending after 1972, he held didactic consultations for professional education on languages of the computers and published a study of Sonography from a natural image on the computer (Trani 1986);
- Interdisciplinary studies: various publications on the formation of the image of the Holy Shroud (Turin 1980, Bologna 1981, Turin 1981, Cagliari 1990);
- Number theory: a study that started in 1969 concluded with two publications, like "Reflections on the Last Theorem of Fermat" (1988/1996). The original work, after a historical-methodological analysis, proof that the equation can be resolved only if we use the theories of cyclical groups on the ring of natural integers, or that of fields of Gauss-Galois on “Euclidean” quadratic rings, also complexes.
Experiences of updating/teaching:
- Regional and national commissions for Exams of the State and contributions of maker/expert in courses of qualification and by the P.N.I. “National Plan for the Informatics” (Liceo scientifico);
- Innovation of programs of Sciences and Physics;
- Cycle of 4 television transmissions "Sign of Jonah" of the net “Telesubalpina” of Turin (1981): interdisciplinary study, with the participation of the Professors P. L. Baima-Bollone (forensic medicine), B. Barberis (mathematics), R. Gallino (astrophysics), E. Garello (historiography) and of the painter Maria D. Fusina for the Early Christian art; the work is cited on the review SINDON of the 1981 (page 52, article of the author).
Teacher drives (GLOBE teacher) for the GLOBE program project of “National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration” (NOAA) and NASA; Prize winner for the project World Space Week 2000, like "teacher of the year" for the superior schools, under the aegis of the ONU; from 2004 Imbalzano is a "WMSCI Reviewer". He is also a member of Amnesty International and of the SETI project.
Writings of G. Imbalzano, after 1967, to today
1) Question of CP violation, Thesis of graduates, Relator Cesare Rossetti, University of Turin 1967;
2) Complementi di Matematica (& Appendice di Linguaggio Simbolico), Torino, S.D.C. 1972;
2.1) Introduzione al Fortan Standard (Linguaggio e Programmi), a cura di D.M. Mantovani", Torino, S.D.C. 1973;
3) Relativistic introduction with geometric elementary methods, from the bulletin n.106 of the LXI national Congress of the "Società Italiana di Fisica", Bologna, Ed. Compositori 1975;
3.1) Quanta introduction with algebraic elementary methods, from the Bulletin 106 of the LXI national Congress of "Società Italiana di Fisica", Bologna, Ed. Compositori 1975;
4) Mass of the particles and of the Muon in SU3*SU2, inside communication for the School of Specialization in Nuclear Physics, Turin 1978;
5) Language of the Holy Shroud: First elements, Turin, SINDON
(Annual Review of the International Center for Sindonology) 1980;
"C.L.Univers.Edit.Bologna (IT)" Cfr. 5.1, 6)[1]
5.1) Language of the Holy Shroud: Formation of the image, Turin, SINDON (I. C. S. Annual Review) 1981;
6) A chemical method thermo-graphic of printing with three-dimensional effects, II National Conference of Sindonology ACTA, Bologna, CLUEB 1981 editions;
7) Holy Shroud Mixing, III national Congress of studies 1984, Center International for Sindonology, Milan, Ed.Paoline 1986;
8) Reflections on the Last Theorem of Fermat, Turin, A.G.A.T. 1988 SBN/ISBD: IT\ICCU\CFI\0095579;
9) C-14 and prehistory of the Holy Shroud, V Study National Congress, Cagliari I. C. S. (Sardinia Autonomous Region) 1990;
10) Confirmation of the Last Fermat Theorem (and algebra of the regular Heptadecagon), XXXV National Congress, Association for the Teaching of the Physics, 25/10/1996 ("Acts" in the Physics in the School, XXXI year n.1, supplement of the January-March 1998);
11) "The Fine-structure constant is a Thermo-dynamic constant?” XXXV Congress National A.I.F. “Acts” 25/10/1996 as above, Italy ISSN 1120-6527;
12) Double of the Holy Shroud Face (search initiated at the 1994) 3° International Congress of Studies on the Holy Shroud, International Center for Sindonology of Turin, June 1998;
13) Dimensionless Constants and New Physics (Spring 1998);
14) From Holy Shroud to Big Bang (eidology, or images-logic and pre-matter, with new Supersymmetry from Kaluza-Klein theory with Einstein Torsion and Cartan Hypothesis), International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for electronic Business, Education, Science, Medicine, and Mobile Technologies S.S.G.R.R. Telecom Italia L’Aquila Jan. 2003, ISBN 88-8520-75-7;
15, 15.1) Theory of our (Universe's) Origins, Function of the Universe (and Life) according to Ettore Majorana (1998/2004/2008); Image: [/ "Universe for Life"] :Centro Culturale Polivalente, Noli (SV) Italy 2003;

16) Dalla Meccanica classica alla Fisica moderna, ref. Internet: Wikinfo 2009;
17) Estensione dei teoremi di Fermat, ISBN 978-1-4452-4465-5 Italian Ed. Complete Raleigh NC: Lulu (8019581) 2009 & Extension of the Fermat's numbers, ref. Internet: Wikinfo 2009;
18) S. Sindone 2010: Inserted death date on the Holy Shroud;
19) Seismic perturbation, Bode law and WIMP interactions.
Common Bibliograpy
0) Leonardo Sciascia (to Serra St. Bruno in 1997), La scomparsa di Majorana, Milano, Adelphi, p. 119 (I edition Einaudi, Torino 1975)

As Ettore Majorana was viewed in 1954 from Annibal d'Animo. (Cfr. 0)[3]
1) Carlo Papini (for and against the thermographic theory of G. I.), "Sindone, un mistero che si svela", Claudiana, p. 72-95 (Torino 1982)
SEE also / La Sindone: ipotesi scientifiche...

according to "don Piero Coero-Borga", Thermography not be confused with theory of Radiation nor with a simple Evaporation (Cfr. 5)[4]
2) Paolo Tarallo (on Imbalzano Sonography) La Sindone e la Musica... International Centre of Sindonology, SINDON N.34 pp. 53-61 (Torino 1985) (Cfr. 7)[5]
3) / Drexel Number Theory Research: Fermat's Last Theorem (1988..1998 history)
4) Mauro Mantovani (ref. 20: S. Hawking, F.J. Tipler, G. Imbalzano), "Scienza e Fede nel dialogo", Ricerche Teologiche X/2, Dehoniane p.374 (Roma 1999)
6) / World Space Week 2001 Plans, to "Ministero Pubblica Istruzione, Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali"
7) / L'Aquila SSGRR 2003w Papers
Pearl of Wisdom *SSGRR 2003 Conference* "There are three principal means of acquiring knowledge available to us: observation of nature, reflection, and experimentation. Observation collects facts; reflection combines them; experimentation verifies the result of that combination. Our observation of nature must be diligent, our reflection profound, and our experiments exact. We rarely see these three means combined; and for this reason, creative geniuses are not common." Denis Diderot
External Links
- / Drexel University MathForum...
- / ...National Science Digital Library
- / A GLOBE Star...
- / ..."Theoretical connection P=P(h)" G. Imbalzano © 1999
- / Quelques sites multilingues concernant le Saint Suaire
- / Science and the Shroud...
- / ...Scientific Papers and Articles
- / La Sábana santa de Turín
- / "World Space Week 2000" Teacher Awards...
- / ...see UN Report on World Space Week 2001
- / Sites with italian W.S.W. version...
- / ..."Il fisico G. Imbalzano con un allievo a Houston"
- / Italia 2003 Internet-Conferences...
- / ...SSGRR 2003 Winter Conference
- / HPcalc Imbalzano Search
- / Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2009 Reviewers
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- / Giovanni Imbalzano's Storefront

Stemma presumed of Imbalzano family. (Cfr. 0)[18]