STUDI PRO- influenza del sistema solare su clima terrestre, maree... e/o sismi

Ottobre 4-10/2016: 4h8, 6h11 & 10h8, 10h11

=== Scientists at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory said on | June 11, 2016 | that Bangladesh, the most densely populated nation on Earth, might be the site of a giant earthquake, which may now be building. They said there’s new evidence of increasing strain there, in a region where two tectonic plates underlie the world’s largest river delta. They estimate that at least 140 million people in the region could be affected by this massive quake, if it occurs. The damage would come not only from the direct results of shaking, but also: from changes in the courses of great rivers, and in the level of land already perilously close to sea level. The scientist said they are not forecasting an imminent great earthquake, but say it is an “underappreciated“ hazard.


=== Trio of solar flares By Eleanor Imster in Space | July 27, 2016 | The sun emitted 3 mid-level solar flares on July 22-23, 2016. This is what NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory saw. They are categorized as mid-strength flares, substantially less intense than the most powerful solar flares. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), which launched in February, 2010, is studying how solar activity is created and how space weather comes from that activity.


=== Earth Sciences  | August 19, 2016 |

The amount of sea level rise in the Pacific Ocean can be used to estimate future global surface temperatures, according to a new report led by University of Arizona geoscientists.


=== Earth Sciences | August 24, 2016 | 2:30 p.m. A geologist in Poland says that the magnitude 6 earthquake in central Italy was caused by the slow but constant under-surface movement of the African Plate toward Europe. Jerzy Zaba of the Silesian University in Katowice, in southern Poland, said Wednesday that a wedge-shaped front of the African Plate is pressing into the Eurasian Plate in the Adriatic Sea region and pushes into the neighboring regions, like Italy's Apennine Mountains. The tension that accumulates leads to a sudden release in the form of under-surface rock movement that causes earth tremors.

Zaba told Polish PAP agency that the African Plate is moving northwards at the speed of up to 5 centimeters (2 inches) a year.


===  INGV | 2016/08/26 |

La tomografia sismica è un metodo usato per lo studio dell’interno della terra in cui determinare la velocità delle onde sismiche attraverso l’analisi dei sismogrammi.

...) utilizzando il modello 3D ed il tensore momento sismico, viene simulata la propagazione delle onde sismiche tenengo conto della risposta sismica locale, come

l’amplificazione delle onde nei bacini alluvionali (terreni soffici) e l’aumento di velocità delle onde in terreni rocciosi.


=== Provided by European Space Agency Image: Land shifts in Italy (2016, August 29) retrieved 30 August 2016

Image: Land shifts in Italy | August 29, 2016 |

Credit: Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2016)/ESA/ CNR-IREA

Combining two Sentinel-1 radar scans from 20 August (Sentinel-1B) and 26 August 2016 (Sentinel-1A), this interferogram shows changes that occurred during the 24 August earthquake that struck central Italy.


===  - Ultimo aggiornamento:

| 29-08-2016 | h20:47

Sciame sismico nei Campi Flegrei quaranta lievi scosse in due ore,
Elisabetta Froncillo.

«Sono stati eventi molto superficiali - ha ​detto all'Ansa il sismologo dell'Osservatorio Vesuviano dell'Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Giovanni Ricciardi - per questo la popolazione ha sentito sia il boato sia la vibrazione del suolo». Non ci sono collegamenti con il terremoto avvenuto nel Centro Italia, ha osservato, «in questo caso lo sciame sismico è stato causato da un fenomeno vulcanico, ossia dal sollevamento del suolo (bradisismo) in atto ai Campi Flegrei».



How to prepare for a tsunami
September 16, 2016 by Jane Cunneen, The Conversation

A tsunami can strike any coast at any time and we can't predict exactly when or where they will occur.

Tsunamis are most often caused by undersea earthquakes but they can also be caused by submarine landslides or volcanic eruptions.

A tsunami can move as fast as a jet plane across the open ocean and can smash into land with waves as high as 20 metres.

The water may wash inland for several kilometres in flat lying areas, and can move up streams and rivers, picking up everything in its path.

A tsunami can strike any coast at any time and we can't predict exactly when or where they will occur.

Tsunamis are most often caused by undersea earthquakes but they can also be caused by submarine landslides or volcanic eruptions.

A tsunami can move as fast as a jet plane across the open ocean and can smash into land with waves as high as 20 metres.

The water may wash inland for several kilometres in flat lying areas, and can move up streams and rivers, picking up everything in its path.

A tsunami can strike any coast at any time and we can't predict exactly when or where they will occur.

Tsunamis are most often caused by undersea earthquakes but they can also be caused by submarine landslides or volcanic eruptions.

A tsunami can move as fast as a jet plane across the open ocean and can smash into land with waves as high as 20 metres.

The water may wash inland for several kilometres in flat lying areas, and can move up streams and rivers, picking up everything in its path.

"A tsunami can strike any coast at any time and we can't predict exactly when or where they will occur.
Tsunamis are most often caused by undersea earthquakes but they can also be caused by submarine landslides or volcanic eruptions.
A tsunami can move as fast as a jet plane across the open ocean and can smash into land with waves as high as 20 metres.
The water may wash inland for several kilometres in flat lying areas, and can move up streams and rivers, picking up everything in its path."
Read more at:


Odds of mega-quake rise at high tide
study | September 12, 2016 |
Many of the largest earthquakes, including the December 26, 2004 quake in Sumatra, occurred during periods when the pull of the Moon and Sun were particularly forceful
The same gravitational force that creates high tides when the Moon and Sun align may also play a role in triggering major earthquakes, according to a study released Monday.
Better understanding of this mechanism could help predict when known faults are more likely to produce killer quakes, researchers said.


Large earthquakes are more probable during periods of high tidal stress," the scientists concluded in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Geoscience.

When the tug of gravity is strongest, they added, "the probability of a tiny rock failure expanding to a gigantic rupture increases."

For centuries after the discovery that solar and lunar forces affect the ocean tides, scientists speculated whether they also cause Earth's crust to buckle and fracture.

But only recently has statistical research started to establish a firm link between planetary alignments and tremblors.

Satoshi Ide, a professor at the University of Tokyo, and colleagues zeroed in on large earthquakes—magnitude 5.5 or greater—around the world over the last two decades.

His team reconstructed the size of gravitational pull, known as "tidal stress", in the two weeks prior to each tremor.

They found no clear correlation with smaller quakes.

Many of the largest earthquakes, however, occurred during periods when the pull of the Moon and Sun were particularly forceful.

When the tug of gravity is strongest, they added, "the probability of a tiny rock failure expanding to a gigantic rupture increases."
For centuries after the discovery that solar and lunar forces affect the ocean tides, scientists speculated whether they also cause Earth's crust to buckle and fracture.
    But only recently has statistical research started to establish a firm link between planetary alignments and tremblors.
Satoshi Ide, a professor at the University of Tokyo, and colleagues zeroed in on large earthquakes—magnitude 5.5 or greater—around the world over the last two decades.
    His team reconstructed the size of gravitational pull, known as "tidal stress", in the two weeks prior to each tremor. They found no clear correlation with smaller quakes.

Many of the largest earthquakes, however, occurred during periods when the pull of the Moon and Sun were particularly forceful. "The new results, Ide told AFP -

derived from a statistical analysis of a large number of tremblors - cannot explain why some small quakes turn into mega ones at Spring tide, while others do not."



Seismic 'CT scans' reveal deep earth dynamics
| September 23, 2016 | by Wallace Ravven

"Different evidence has led to three different plate movement scenarios: either the plates are pushed from mid-ocean ridges; or they are pulled from their subducting slabs;

or their movement is driven by the drag of the viscous mantle material that lies directly below."

Odds of mega-quake rise at high tide: study

September 12, 2016

Many of the largest earthquakes, including the December 26, 2004 quake in Sumatra, occurred during periods when the pull of the Moon and Sun were particularly forceful

The same gravitational force that creates high tides when the Moon and Sun align may also play a role in triggering major earthquakes, according to a study released Monday.

Better understanding of this mechanism could help predict when known faults are more likely to produce killer quakes, researchers said.

"Large earthquakes are more probable during periods of high tidal stress," the scientists concluded in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Geoscience.





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La sequenza sismica in Italia centrale a un mese dal suo inizio: un aggiornamento sugli studi in corso

Il piano di faglia del terremoto del 24 agosto in una vista frontale.
Il risultato della modellazione mostra due aree di rottura principali sul piano di faglia,
uno sopra l’ipocentro ed uno verso nordovest.
La stella rossa indica la posizione del punto di origine della rottura sulla faglia (l’ipocentro), le frecce lo spostamento sulla faglia.
 "Gli spostamenti del terreno osservati dal satellite sembrano piuttosto legati a due fenomeni deformativi a una scala diversa: uno “profondo” legato al movimento sulla faglia a profondità tra i 10 e i 5 km (le aree colorate in blu e celeste nella figura sopra), e un altro, più circoscritto, che produce delle frange caratteristiche negli interferogrammi e che sarebbe legato a deformazioni più superficiali, forse attribuibili a fenomeni gravitativi."



=== 2012 © Supernove, congiunzioni planetarie e sismicità terrestre Facebook © 2013


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Celebrated UN-declared World Space Week, October 4-10

"Discovery" is the theme for World Space Week 2015, October 14-20:

Supernovas, planetary conjunctions and Earth seismicity (quantic seismology) 2015

WSW 2015-2016 © G. Imbalzano


Period Research on the Nepal ☼☻Ф☺֎ Seismic Magnitudo, Planets Gravity






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