~ Italian edition for the GLOBE project ~
'12-'15 =:
1ª Phase
:= 1/7/16 : 14ª Phase =:
~ ~ ~
:= 1/1/17 : 15ª Phase =:
Supernovas, planetary conjunctions and Earth seismicity
(quantic seismology)
~ English edition for the NOAA-NASA "World Space Week" ~
Marea: "...il Sole interviene (solo) a modificare l'ampiezza della marea (acquea) ...la componente di gran lunga più importante della m. atmosferica è costituita da una oscillazione solare semidiurna... La teoria delle m. atmosferiche deve spiegare il fatto che la m. lunare è da 20 a 30 volte minore della m. solare, anche se la forza gravitazionale di m. esercitata dalla Luna è più che doppia di quella esercitata dal Sole, e che essa è a sua volta maggiore di quanto ci si attenderebbe da un calcolo basato sulle sole forze gravitazionali" (L.U.I. Treccani, 1974 Roma).
Premise: commonly we think that far-off asters, also the great planets as Jupiter or Saturn, they are able to influence gravity only a tenth of what the Moon can do, accountable for liquid tides and the earthly tides, as the earthquakes: the same action of the Sun penetrate below the surface earthly seems to be half of that lunar, and the tides contrast to the action of the Sun and of the Moon, reducing of a third the measurable value with a "pendulum of twist". However, if suddenly we miss the gravitational action of the Sun or of Jupiter, is evident that the effect on the Earth would be many more disruptive in comparison with the absentia of the Moon! Such we may certainly resolve such contradictions introducing the ratios of energy (potential) and not of force and acceleration: in such a case, quite the reverse of what over, the Jupiter or Saturn energetic actions are superior ten times in comparison with the Moon. It is well true that always does not have been possible that we have noticed seismic phenomenon in concomitance of strong planetary perturbations, but this only because the relative action is verified in a well determinate directions and in more tender geological places. In other words, we may consider the planetary perturbations as possible causes (necessaries but not sufficient) to sudden seismic effects, as the fuse of an explosive. More exactly, in a manner similar to the damping of a pendulum, such perturbations furnish the energy that is stored, while the possible movements of earthly clods force the oscillating system, increasing her power.
Giovanni Imbalzano © 2012 Moncalieri Italy
Supernovas, planetary conjunctions and Earthly seism
:= 2.nd PHASE =:
11/8/2012 h03:28r, m2.4 Puglia (Manfredonia 41.5N 16E); besides the precedents, it begins the influence of
Venus / Saturn, in perpendicular alignment under the Sun before the conjunction of November
11/8 h04:34r, m2.1 M. Pollino (Castrovillari 40N 16E);
h22:29-23:27r, Iran
m6.4-6.3 &
m6.2-6.0 until
12/8 h03:30, Iran
(Tabriz ~ 40N 16E) m5.1:
hundreds of deads.
12/8 h01:20r, Patrasso SW (Zante 38N 21E) m4.4; h02:21r Gargano (Vieste 42N 16E) m4.1; h03:19r, Catania (Caltagirone ~ 37N 14.5E) m2.8
h18:47r, m6.3 China Xin-Jiang (Hotan 37N 80E): an unusual hour, but with Sun on Ven / Sat, Moo ~90°on Ura / Sun (click!) with a violent landslides
13/8 h10:07r~ m3.9 Palermo (~ 38N 13.5E): there is still the Sun ~90° Venus / Saturn, and Moon ~90° Neptune / Saturn
14/8 h02:53r, m2.0 Lombardy - Emily (S. Felice ~ 45N 11E); h12:01r, m7.3 Russia / Japan (Sakalin / Hokkaido ~45N 143E):
Sun ~90° on Ven (& Moo) / Sat (& Mar) (←click!)
16/8 h06:42r, m2.8 Lombardy - Emily (S. Felice ~ 45N 11E): particular seismic phase with Sun on Ven / Sat, and Moo on Mars / Jup.
17/8 h07:12r~ m2.8 L'Aquila (~Castellafiume 42N 13.5E);
h22:48r Mantua / Modena (~45N 11E) m2.1, still the
Sun on Venus / Saturn, with the intervention of the Moon:
18/8 h03:27r,
Ferrara / Bologna (~ 44.5N 11.5E); h17:41r,
Indonesia (Sulawesi, Palu 2S 120E) click!
Analogue phenomenon:
19/8 h01:15r~ Washington St. / Canada (~ 47N 128W) m5.6 click!
h18:45 - 22:55r Cosenza (Pollino ~ 40N 16E) m3.7 - 2.7
20/8 h07:24 - 08:14r, Emily (Forlì ~ 44N 12E) m2-2.6: the intensity low indicate the actual stabilization of the ground.
24/8 h10:43r~ India / Nepal (~ 28N 84E) m4.4: full second phase, Sole ~90° su Ven / Sat & Moo / Jup (←click!)
h20:53r, Finale Emily (44.8N 11.3E) m2.8; h23:18r Abruzzi (M. Meta ~ 41.5N 14E) m2.4
25/8 h02:55 / h22:55r, Messina / Reggio Calabria (~ 38N 15.5E)
m2.5 / 2.4
26/8 h03:58r Modena (~44.5N 11E) m2.1;
h16:44r Pollino (~ 40N 16E) m3.0; h17:11r~
Chile (Antafagasta
23.5S 80W) m5.1 & 4.4;
h22:37r, S. Salvador (Usulutan S, 13N 88.5W) m7.4 & 5.4:
with the Sun central on Sat (& Mar) / Jup (& Ven) (←click!) it continue the supremacy of major planets, exactly as the prevision of the 5-6 August
27/8 h01:50r, I. Tremiti (~42N 15.5E) m2.3; h04:22r, Pollino (~ 40N 16E) m2.1
29/8 h01:12r, Reggio Calabria (Scylla ~38N15.5E) m4.6
30/8 h01:00r, Messina E (Lipari ~38N15.5E) m2.3; h01:18r, Finale Emily (44.8N 11.3E) m2.1; h04:18r, Japan (Ishinomaki 38.5N141.5E) m5.7
31/8 h23:30r, Arezzo (~43.5N 12E) m3.0; h23:33r, Philippines (Palau ~ 7N 135E) m7.6 & 5.9 & 5.5
01/9 h02:17r, & h15:02r Pollino (~ 40N 16E) m2.0 &3.4
02/9 h06:40r~ Iran (Qayen SE ~33N60E) m5.2; h23:48r, Arezzo (~ 43.5N 12E) m2.8
04/9 h02.03r, Bali (Denpasar S274km 11S115E) m6.8: toward the parallel of file-- Tananarive - Brisbane, as per prediction for future.
05/9 h04:09r, Croton E (~39N 17.5E) m3.2: symmetrical to the precedent in comparison with the actual ecliptic inclination.
05/9 h08.42r, Costa Rica NW (~10N 85.5W) tsunami alarm for shake m7.6: convergence of Sun & Mer ┴ Sat & Mar / Jup & Ven (←click!)
07/9 h03:47r, Le Pontine (Formazza, Verbania ~46N8.5E) m2.1: an exceptional arrangement (here from Lombardy to Piedmont)
favoured from Mer*Sun/Ura ┴ Ura/Jup, Plu/Jup ┴ Sat/Moo (←click!)
h09:57_10:54_12:03r, China Yunnan (Chikou 29.5N111E) m5.6_4.9_4.8 & swarm: how to over, to boot Sun/Ura ┴ Nep /Ura
h13:40r, Pollino (Rotonda, Mormanno ~ 40N 16E) m3.4
08/9 h01:04r Roma (L. Albano 42N 12E) m2.4: confirmation of the planetary action, in geometric projection on recent latitudes.
Seasonal seismic magnitudes for latitudes under the Sun (←click!), dark latitudes (←click!) and daily media (←click!).
08/9 h14:30r, Costa Rica NW (Liberia, 10N 85.5W) arrangement m5.6; 12/9 h02:36r Guam (Hagana SW, 12N 143E) m5.8
14/9 h01:14r, Severnaya N (Zemlya 82.9N 117E) m5.1: Ven/Ear ┴ Sat/Jup, Mar/Moo ┴ Sun/Ear
h11:36r, Indonesia (Kepalauan - Mantawai 3.4S 100.6E) m6.2: Nep/Moo ┴ Mar/Jup, Nep/Ven ┴ Sat/Jup, Ven/Ear ┴ Mer*Sun/Jup (←click!)
h23:10r, Sicily (Linosa 35.8N 12.8E) m3.8: Moo/Ear ┴ Ven/Sat & Ven/Ear ┴ Sat/Jup
16/9 h01.56r, Sicily (Pozzallo 36.7N 12.8E) m2.9
17/9 h03:56r, Reggio Cal. (Bagaladi 38N 15.8E) m2.3: Moo/Ear ┴ Plu/Ven & Ven/Ear ┴ Sat/Jup
h04:55r, Finale Emily (44.8N 11.3E) m2.2: here continues the predicted 2.nd phase, more light...
18/9 h06:07r, New Guinea (Papua 5.72S 150.12E) m5.4; 19/9 h03:31r, Finale Emily m2.2
20/9 h09:11r, I. Fiji (20.75S 178.37W) m5.7; 21/9 07.40r, Chile (Tara paca 19.65S 69.15W) m5.4
22/9 h05:58r, Mexico (Oaxaca 16.54N 98.06W) m5.4; 19:22r, Tonga (Tongatapu 20.81S 174.15W) m5.6
23/9 h01:42 & 01:43r, Pollino (40N 16E) m2.2&2.2 (after m2.6 of 17/9 ~h22)
25/9 h16:25r, California (~ La Paz 24.84N 110.15W) m6.3; 26/9 h11:47, Alaska (I. Aleutian 51.63N 178.29W) m6.4:
Moo ┴ Sat*Mer*Sun/Jup, Sun ┴ Jup/Moo (←click!)
27/9 h02:04r, Benevento (Paduli 41.16N 14.10E) m4.1 (& h4:43 m3.5, h4:58 m2.5, h9:31 m3.7)
28/9 h00:56r, Finale E. (44.8N 11.3E) m2.8; h02:02r, Pollino m2.8
29/9 h01:29r, Umbria (Cerreto Spoleto 42.84N 12.92E) m2.1; h01:39r, Eolie (38.50N 15,00E) m4.2
30/9 h02:04~ Benevento (Paduli 41.16N 14.10E) m2.5; h11:27r, Colombia (Popayan 1.92N 76.35W) m7.3
1/10 h10:25r, Mexico (Jalisco 18.71N 107.15W) m5.1;
h22:32r, Pollino m3.6
2/10 h07:54r, Giappone (Miyako 39.85N 143.05E) m6.2;
3/10 h00:49r, India (Assam 26.85N 92.79E) m5.1; h07:33r, Balleny Islands (65.01S 177.93E) m5.3
3/10 h09:49r, Cuneo W (Macra 44.65N 7.31E) m4.4: Sat*Sun/Moo ┴ Plu/Ven & Ura/Jup (←click!)
h15:20r, Emily (Pontenure 44.88N 9,86E) m4.6
4/10 h02:57r, Philippines (Mindanao 5.86N 126.95E) m5.4; h21:14r, Mid-Atlantic N Ridge (17.50N 46.46W) m5.7
7/10 h03:47r, Finale Emily (44.8N 11.3E) m2.1 & h04:11r, Messina (Pozzo di Gotto38.1N 15.2E) m2.0;
h21:17r, Chile (Antofagasta 21.77S 68.26W) m5.8
8/10 h00:54r, California (~ La Paz 24.84N 110.15W) m6.0;
h20:21r, Indonesia, Banda Sea (~ Ambon 4.44S 129.17E) m6.3; h23:48r, Finale E. (44.8N 11.3E) m2.0
09X h22:48r, Balleny Islands (61.03S 153.96E) m6.4: Sun/Ear ┴ Jup/Ear & Mar*Mer*Sat/Jup*Ven*Moo (←click!)
10X h02:23r, Messina (Torregrotta 38.21N 15.34E) m2.3 & h03:59r, Eolie (off shore) m2.1 & Emily (Mirandola) m2.8, third shake of swarm:
the simultaneous phenomenon and the distance of faults confirms the external (planetary) cause.
12X h09:26r, Indonesia (Dobo Aru ~ 4.84S 134.08E) m6.7: Sun/Ear ┴ Ven/Sat, Moo/Ear ┴ Mar*Mer*Sat/Jup (←click! Djakarta ~h07:37)
h21:17r, Aosta (Valpelline 45.86N 7.42E) m2.3: Sat&Sun/Ear ┴ Plu&Mar/Moo (←click!)
13/X h15:40r, Livorno (I. Melòria 43.56N 10.24E) m2.0: arrangement; h12:33_18:53r, Pollino m2.2_2.6
14/X h05:03_h13:30r, Pollino (Rotonda, Mormanno ~ 40N 16E) m2.7_2.1: continuous swarm (very tender faults);
h16:25r, L'Aquila (Pizzoli 42.44N 13.30E) m2.8: Sun ┴ Mer*Sat / Moo & Nep/Jup (←click!) in proximity of the "Maya" prediction of the day 27/11'12!
15/X h05.46r, Macerata (Treia 43.32N 13.32E) m2.0; 16/X h16.13r, Diamante CS (39.75N 15.55E) m4.9
17/X h05:34r, Palermo (S. Mauro C. 37.92N 14.19E) m2.3; h13:01, Celebes Sea (4.19N 124.57E) m6.0
18/X h04.55r, Pollino (Rotonda, Mormanno 40N 16E) m3.5; 19/X h07:11r, Messina (Spadafora N20km 38.40N 15.37E) m2.6;
20/X h05:25r, I. Eolie (~ Panarea 38.64N 15.09E) m2.7
21/X h02:46r, Pollino m2.4: Sun ┴ Ura/Jup + Jup ┴ Sat*Sun/Moo & Ven/Nep (←click!)
h10:08r, N. Caledonia (NE Vanuatu 13,56S 166,60E) m6.2: latitude near the prediction 27/11'12!
23/X h21:07r, SE Loyalty Islands (22.32S 171.68E) m6.0: idem as up; ; h19:05r, Costarica (Liberia 10.12N 85.31W) m6.5
26/X h00.09r, Pollino (Mormanno, Castrovillari 39.85N 16.04E) m5.3 & swarm (h0.20r m3.3; h3:29r & h3:44r m2.9); h22:09r, L'Aquila (Gioia dei Marsi 41.95N 13.70E) m2.6
27/X h00.24r, Pollino (39.88N 16.05E) m2.8 & swarm; h01.51r, Greece (Athens N 128km, 39.10N 23.75E) m4.5; h04:49r, Marche (Misano 44.00N 12.68E) m2.3;
Canada (Masset 52.77N 131.93W) m7.7 & continue swarm:
Sun ┴ Ura/Jup +
Sat*Sun/Moo ┴ Nep/Jup & Mer/Ven;
h23:17r, M. Reatini (A. Tronto 42.74N 13.26E) m2.0
28/X h11:10r, Philippines (10.48N 126.69E) m5.3; h11.17r, Pollino (39.88N 16.03E) m3.2; h10:03r, Canada (Queen Charlotte 52.63N 132.70W) m6.3
29/X h02:10r, Pollino m2.2 & continue swarm; h03:06r, Monferrato (Asti 44.91N 8.20E) m2.4;
h04.59r, Ionium Sea (RC 37.11N 16.43E) m3.0; h09.22r, Cònero AN (Osimo 43.50N 13.44E) m2.4;
Pollino m2.6; h18:02r, Canada Q. Charlotte (P. Rupert
54.44N 130W) m6.2; h23:51r,
Molucca Sea (0.16S 125.25E) m5.7
30/X h02:47r, L'Aquila (Scoppito/Pizzoli 42.40N 13.28E) m3.6;
h05:17r, Pollino m2.6
31/X h04:36r, N. Zealand (Raoul I. 30.16S, 177.79W) m4.7;
h10:49r, Pollino m2.7 & swarm: Mar*Plu/Ven & Ura/Jup ┴ Sat*Sun/Moo, similar situation in 27-28/X.
01XI h00:55-h02.08-h04.42r, Pollino (39.91N 16.01E) m2.3-2.1-2.0; h04.47r, Sila (39.23N 16.78E) m2.3; h21:22r, Indonesia (Java 6.82S 107.50E) m5.8
02XI h03:05r, Borgia CZ (38.83N 16.50E) m2.8; h03:42r, Carpineti/Casina (44.50N 10.30E) m2.5 & h04:00r, Finale Emily (44.83N 11.29E) m2.3
h09:29r, Flores Sea (7.74S 121.67E) m5.3; h12:43r, Russia (East Kamchatka 55.88N 162.79E) m5.5
03XI h02:29r, Pollino m2.5: swarms; h02:43r, Mindanao (Tandag 9.26N 126.23E) m6.1; h03:48r, Vico Gargano (41.88N 15.98E) m3.0;
h10:42r, M. Atlantic C. Ridge (7.07N 34.08W) m5.8; h17:24r, Pollino (~ 40N 16E) m2.0; 04XI h17:29r, Pollino m2.7
05XI h02:57r, Pollino (~ 40N 16E) m2.8; h13:10r,
Pollino (M. Alpi-Sirino 39.94N 16.01E) m3.3;
h14:05r, Japan East (Honshu 37.78N 143.65E)
06XI h01:25r, Pollino (M. Alpi-Sirino 39.96N 16.01E) m2.7;
06XI h10:06r, Carlsberg Ridge (10.00N 57.19E) m5.7: Sun ┴ Mer/Sat & Mar/Ven & Ura/Jup (←click!)
07XI h01:44r, Bari (S. Michele 40.90N 16.95E) m2.2; h02:53r,
Romagna (Bagno 43.85N 11.96E) m2.0; h09:34r, Iran NW (38.47N
46.61E) m5.5
h10:28r, Guatemala NW
Tajumulco (14.08N 91.92W) m7.4 &
swarms: circa 60 deads; h17:28r,
Canada (Vancouver I. 49.18N 128.53W) m6.3
08XI h09:24r, N. Guinea East (Papua 8.66S 148.05E) m5.6; h11:16r, Pollino - Rotonda (39.91N 16.11E) m3.0
09XI h02:50r, Ionian Sea - Pachino (36.44N 15.49E) m2.3; h21:32r, Pollino, Rotonda m2.6
11XI h03:52r, Pollino, Rotonda m2.4; h07:36r, Birmania (NE Shwebo 23.01N 95.88E) m6.8 & swarm;
h07:43r, Tyrrhenian Sea (Sud-B 38.69N 14.30E) m2.9; h16:07r, Guatemala (Champerico Off 14.16N 92.17W) m6.5;
12XI h03:08r, Pollino (Rotonda- Mormanno 39.92N 16.00E) m2.8; h11:10r, Alaska (SW Yakagata 57.54N 142.89W) m6.4 & swarm m2.7-3.6
h23:23r, Chile (Aisen Off 45.74S 77.14W) m6.0. 13XI h08:10r, Reggio Calabria (S. Eufemia 38,26N 15.84E) m4.4:
a total solar eclipse which begins at 15:35 UTC on Tuesday Nov. 13 may be visible from slivers of northern Australia, and a swathe of open ocean;
h23:26r, Cosenza (Ricadi 36.63N 15.91E) m2.6; 14XI h02.05r, Pollino (Castrovillari 39.81N 16.21E) m2.1; 14:17r, Chile C. (Coquimbo 29.16S 71.27W) m6.1
15XI h02:39, Mexico (Guerrero 18.41N 100.37W) m6.0; h04:35r, Crete (SW Khania 34.89N 23.74E) m4.5
16XI h03:20r, Trento (R. Garda 45.89N 10.84E) m3.0: Jup / Sun ┴ Ven*Sat / (Plu*Mar*Moo) (←click!); h13:42r, Calabria W Coast (39.27N 15.40E) m3.4;
h17:44r, Tonga (18.31S 172.37W) m6.1; h20:45r, Pollino (Rotonda-Mormanno39.88N, 16.00E) m2.9
17XI h00:04r, L'Aquila (Pizzoli 42.44N 13.30E) m3.2 (& h05:13r, m2.2): extended shakes in the Apennines, near the 27/11'12;
h04:56r, Kuril I. (49.27N 155.47E) m6.4; h18:30r, Messina (Patti - Milazzo 38.14N, 15.11E) m2.9
18XI h16:05r, Adriatic SUD (41.69N, 17.09E) m2.9; 19XI h05:47r, Pollino (Mormanno 39.89N 16.00E) m2.3;
h00:22r, Pollino (Mormanno, Rotonda 39.88N 16.02E) m2.4; h06:16r, Sicily Sea
(35.15N, 12.75E ) m3.5;
h11:05r, Monferrato
(44.97N 8.23E) m3.3; h16:25r, Gargano (S. G. Rotondo 41.80N,
15.93E) m2.9
21XI h07:44r, Pollino (M. Alpi-Sirino 39.94N, 16.01E) m2.9;
21XI h11:26r, N. Guinea Papua (Kimbe 5.90S 151.71E) m5.0;
h16:48, Cile (O'Higgins 34.02S 72.06W) m5.9
22XI h00:39r, Indonesia (Kahale 11.38S 117.93E) m5.4;
h03:04r, Pollino (Castelluccio 39.92N 16.03E) m3.3;
h08:53r, Argentina (Salta 22.67S 63.49W) m5.6; h10.11r, Etna (Randazzo 37.75N 14.94E) m3.9
23XI h00:53r, Indonesia SUD (Sumatra, 4.54S 102.85E)
m5.0; h12:56r, Philippines (Banilad 14.05N 120.76E)
h17:28r, Pollino (Castelluccio 39.91N 16E) m2.6
24XI h05:47r, Japan (Ishinomaki 38.21N 141.83E) m5.3;
h17:29r, Pollino (Mormanno 39.87N 15.98E) m2.7
25XI h04:43r, Philippines (Bantogon, 6.46N 123.49E) m5.3;
h03:37r, Marche (Senigallia 43.92N 13.38E) m3.1;
h09:33r, Pollino (39.92N 16.03E) m3.7:
Jup / Sun ┴ Ven*Sat
/ Plu*Mar
(←click!); h17:04r, Chile (C. E. Pacific Rise 9.06S
108.32W) m5.1
26XI h11:35r, China (Turpan 40.42N 90.37E) m5.5; h15:51r, Philippines (ENE S. Isidro 10.45N 126.79E)
m5.1; h20:02r, Pistoia (Apennines 44.13N, 10.68E) m3.2
27/11'12, h1.12: toward the planetary alignment (←click) the conjunction Venus * Saturn (←click!) with Moon, ~90° against Neptune (←click!)
aligned with Pluto * Mars on the axis Jupiter / Sun
on the parallel of Lima, or Tananarive - Brisbane, can provoke strong shake, I think in desert areas Giovanni @ Imbalzano
27XI h00:48r, M. Pollino (Rotonda Mormanno 39.91N, 16.02E) m2.9; h05:28r, India (Bamboo Flat 13.85N 93.66E) m5.1; h11:36r, Indonesia (Amahai 2.93S 129.24E) m5.6;
h13:52r, S. Sandwich I. (56.08S 27.31W) m5.1; h17:17r, N. Mariana I. (Pagan 17.72N 145.70E) m5.3;
h20:25r, Adriatic SUD (Albania 40.80N, 19.62E) m4.0; h22:06r, Peru (ENE Barranca 4.51S 76.05W) m5.6
28XI h01:02r, Kuril I. (48.20N 154.94E) m5.2; h13:42r, M. Pollino (Castelluccio 39.93N, 16.02E) m3.1; h17:40r, Indonesia (W Tual 5.40S 131.11E) m5.5
Algeria NORD (36.84N 5.42E) m5.0; h12:36r, Fiji (21.09S
178.70W) m5.0
29XI h00:40r, Japan (I. Bonin I. 27.25N 143.17E) m5.1;
h01:45r, Peru (off Coast 6.58S 80.94W) m5.5;
h13:25r, Guatemala
(Champerico 13.72N 92.17W) m5.2; h19:26r, Tirreno (Sud B
38.94N 14.64E) m3.3;
h20:52r, Papua N. Guinea
(Angoram 3.71S 145.44E) m5.9; h23.38r, Tonga
(Neiafu 18.79S 175.59W) m5.5
30XI h00:50r, Appennino (Forlì 44.04N 11.75E) m3.1; h04:08r,
Pollino (Laino 39.92N 16.03E) m3.2;
(Orcopampa 15.26S 72.77W) m4.5;
h16:22r, Calabria (off Rende 39.31N 15.66E) m3.0;
h17:08r, Russia (Severo Kuril'sk 48.14N 155.00E) m4.8; h21:45r, Alaska N (Larsen Bay 58.43N 154.12W) m5.9
01XII h05:47r, Pollino (Laino 39.96N 15.95E) m2.8: probable definitive arrangement!
01XII h22:49r, El Salvador (Porto El Triunfo
11.82N 89.01W) m5.1
02XII h01:56r, Tonga (Pangai 20.63S 174.24W) m5.1;
h05:43r, M. Pollino (Laino 39.92N 16.01E) m2.3;
h12:05r, Vanuatu (Lakatoro 17.01S 167.63E) m6.4: final proof of the prediction for the 27/11'12
03XII h01:41r, Cosenza (off shore, 39.44N 15.41E) m3.4; h05:35r, Balkan Peninsula (46.19N 14.78E) m4.1
Alaska (Anchorage 61.23N 150.72W) m5.8; h17:50r, Guatemala
(Ocos 14.22N 92.32W) m5.5
04XII h04:39r, Chile (Valparaiso 32.77S 71.70W) m4.6;
h17:22r, Appennino (Pistoia 44.13N 11.02E) m2.9
05XII h02:13r, S. Benedetto del Tronto AP (Offida 42.91N 13.66E) m4.0, exemplary intervention of Moon and planets transversally to the Sun:
Jup / Sun ┴ Mar / Ven & Ura / Moo (←click!); h06:16r, Benevento (S. Giorgio Molara 41.17N 14.86E) m3.2;
h11:13r, Fiji (Ndoi I. 20.71S 178.93W) m5.1; h11:52r, N.
Zealand (L'Esperance R.
31.04S 177.57W) m5.1;
h21:06r, Iran (Qayen 33.49N 59.55E) m5.6
06XII h08:26r, Sumatra W (Coast 2.46N 90.44E) m5.1; h09:09r,
Philippines (Sulangan 11.00N 126.61E) m5.4;
h20:06r, Austria (Alps Atesine 47.16N 11.11E) m2.8; h21:43r, Sicily Sea (Scicli 36.62N 14.71E) m2.8
07XII h00:31r, M. Pollino (Castelluccio 39.93N, 16.03E) m2.8; h01:20r, Benevento (Paduli 41.16N 14.87E) m2.3;
h01:27r, Bouvet I. (54.09S 1.93W) m5.1; h12:32r, N. Guinea Papua (Kokopo 5.30S 151.43E) m5.1;
h17:56r, Japan E (Miyagi offshore 37,71N 144.63E) m7.4, with Saturn, the Moon accentuate the intervention of Sun and Jupiter:
Jup / Sun ┴ Mar / Sat & Nep / Moo (←click!); h20:01r, China (Qiemo 38.75N 88.10E) m5.3;
h20:44r, Madonie (Termini 37.81N, 13.86E) m2.7
08XII h02:59r, Pollino (Castelluccio 39.95N, 16.03E) m2.3;
h05:38r N. Guinea Papua (Wau 7.63S 146.96E) m5.6;
h06:03r, N.
Zealand (Tokoroa 38.32S 176.09E) m6.3; h06:29r,
Pre-alps (Tramonti 46.36N 12.88E) m2.4
10XII h06:06r, Messina (Pozzo di Gotto 38.1N 15.2E) m2.2; h06:11r, Philippines, Mindanao (Davao 6.72N 126.18E) m5.6
11XII h01:32r, Indonesia (Saumlaki 6.54S 129.82E) m7.1;
h12:41r, I. Lipari (38.34N 14.88E) m3.1;
h15:33r, Pollino (Laino 39.89N 16.02E) m3.4; h23:28r, Vanuatu (Port-Vila
19.09S 167.62E) m5.2
12XII h13:01r, N. Zealand (L'Esperance R. 30.93S 178.25W) m5.5
13XII h05:48r, Pollino (Laino 39.89N 16.02E) m3.0; h15:27r,
El Salvador (Acajutla 13.14N 90.00W) m5.5;
h19:05, M.
Reatini (Rieti 42.58N, 13.10E) m3.2;
Adriatico SUD (Albania
41.12N 19.73E) m4.1;
h01:55r, Pollino (Laino 39.89N 16.04E) m2.4; h02:38r,
California (Avalon 31.21N 119.56W) m6.3;
Wallis & Futuna (Sigave 15.37S 178.11W) m5.3; h07:10r, Severnaya
Zemlya (80.79N 121.45E) m5.7;
15XII h01:09r, Eolie (off Stromboli 39.03N 15.42E) m2.9;
\ h05:24r, Pollino (Rotonda- Mormanno 39.86N 16.04E) m2.6; h04:49UTC Alaska (Shemya I. 52.34N 173.97E) m5.9
16XII h05.42r, Papua N. Guinea (Taron 4.72S 152.96E) m6.0;
17XII 01.40r, Etna (Giarre 32.27N 14.18E) m2.7; h10:53r,
Russia (Severo- Kuril'sk 49.75N 155.95E) m5.6;
h17:07r, M.
Ligure (Savona 44.14N 8.58E) m2.6; h17:32r, Indonesia (Luwuk
0.71S 123.84E) m6.1
18XII h04.58r, Messina (Pozzo di Gotto 38.1N 15.14E) m2.4;
h12:08r, M. Pollino (Castrovillari 39.84N 16.17E) m3.4
Attention for the next full Moon!
Note that (exclusively) dynamic variations of seismic values of Earth or of Sun or of Moon can produce tide waves!
* * *
Gravitational quantization:
"Seismic perturbation, Bode law and WIMP interactions"
Quantizzazione gravitazionale:
"Perturbazioni sismiche, legge di Bode e interazioni WIMP"
←~ G. Imbalzano: Physics...
...Supernovas, planetary conjunctions and Earth seismicity ~→