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The guidebook  
[Real] Frequently Asked Questions

A word from Alaska
« I would like more information on Milan. I live in Alaska and plan on visiting Milan this winter. I will be traveling by myself but I plan on meeting a friend who lives there. I would like to read about this city and know a little before I travel. I have never traveled abroad before. »

HI! Thanks for your message :-)
To have an idea of the town, you could visit our broader twin site CiaoMilano. It carries a lot of information, although not as much as the printed key to Milan ...
A magazine in English, with plenty of info for expats, is The Informer. They have a site.
The WebGrrls International also has an Italian web site based in Milan.
That's all for now. If you need more info, don't hesitate.


If you need more info, don't hesitate
A trip to Milan
« Here are the comments I've sent friends about our recent trip to Milan. I hope they are of some use.»

THEY CERTAINLY ARE! Thanks indeed for your cooperation, Steve. Your comments can be read by clicking here.


The Last Supper
« A friend of mine wants to visit Milan in September. She wants to know if the "Last Supper" is open to the public - or is its closed for restoration. »

THE LATEST RESTORATION of The Last Supper, painted by Leonardo da Vinci in what five centuries ago was the friars' dining room at Santa Maria delle Grazie, was recently completed.
Visits (Tue - Fri 9am - 9pm, Sat 9am - 12pm, Sun 9am - 8pm) must be booked by phone (from abroad call +39 02 89421146, from Italy call 199199100) and last 15 mins.
Entrance fee is Lire 14,000 (free for under 18 and senior citizens over 60). Payment by credit card is accepted.

   The Last Supper
What's on at La Scala
« Vous serait-il possible de me donner par courrier électronique le programme à La Scala pour le 14 et 15 mars.
Je vous remercie à l'avance. »

NON ABBIAMO il programma della Scala. Puoi però leggerlo, e se vuoi anche prenotare, all'indirizzo Web "".

La Scala official Web site
Alfa Romeo (1)
« Buon giorno. I will visit Milano next week. I want infomation of car-musium (Alfa Romeo, Fiat....). Prease reply »

CONTRARY of what you might think, there's not very much available in our town as far as car museums are concerned. The few words we can devote to this subject in the printed "key to Milan" follow:
« AN OVERVIEW OF MILAN'S history museums wouldn't be complete without a mention of the vintage car collections on the outskirts of town. The most important of these is Museo storico Alfa Romeo (Via Alfa Romeo, Arese; call in advance, [+39] 02 93392119), a 4,800 square meter exhibition space which offers you a thorough insight into the history of this famous Milan-based car manufacturer.
The more compact Museo Quattroruote instead (c/o Domus, Via Grandi 5/7, Rozzano, call in advance, [+39] 02 824721) was opened in 1978 by the Milan-based car magazine Quattroruote (or 'Fourwheels'), Italy's most authoritative in the field. There are about 30 old cars here.»

Alfa Romeo (2)
« I hope you can help us locate the mailing address of the Alfa Romeo factory in Milan, Italy. I've scoured all the internet sites and cannot find it. »

SOMETIMES the Internet is not enough ;-)
Had you purchased "a key to Milan" (the printed guidebook), you would had read on page 150 that:
« AT THE VERY HEART of an industrial triangle which set the pace of economic growth for the entire country, Milan was - in the 60s - the undisputed hub of Italian industry. The 70s and the 80s witnessed a slowdown of industrial production and the growing economic influence of the service sector. Milan is fast becoming a service oriented economy, and the heavy industries which used to characterize entire sections of the city are disappearing, Alfa Romeo's 'Portello' - which closed down in 1984 - and Pirelli's `Bicocca' plants having been only prime examples.»

Alfa Romeo
Alcatraz for concerts
« Mi scusate, ma io non posso parlare italiano molto bene (sono australiano). Io vorrei andare a Milano a vedere i Pet Shop Boys in concert all' "Alcatraz". Ma io non si dove se lo trova! Voi avete un indirizzo, o numero telefonico, o website?. »

THE VENUE can be easily reached by a trolley-bus (no. 90 or no. 91, respectively clockwise and anti-clockwise on a circular route), You can board it very close to the Stazione Centrale (the central railway station). Ask to get off in the area of Via Valtellina.
The phone number is [+39] 02 69016352. The Alcatraz website is this.

Driving Italian style
« Italians drive 3 feet from your rear bumper, and the signs NEVER give you enough warning, so when you see a sign and want to stop, and you look in your rear view mirror, there is ALWAYS a car ready to enter your trunk.
Despite the driving, we loved the Italians, all of whom were very nice to us. They dress beautifully, even the kids, and they all look GOOD. »

From Switzerland
« [...] Would also be interested in the best (scenic and / or econmical) travel route from Geneva, Switzerland to Milan, Italy. »

ASSUMING THAT you drive and have some time for short stop-overs, our advice would be Lausanne - Martigny (beautiful art exhibitions at the Gianadda Foundation] - Crans Montana [one of the best ski resorts the world over] - Brig - Simplon Pass [panoramic highway across the Alps] - Domodossola - Lake Maggiore [splendid villas and gardens around Stresa: don't miss the Borromean Islands] - than highway to Milan [toll].

Borromean Islands
From Courmayeur
« All our transportation needs are taken care of except from Courmayeur to Milano. Is there a shuttle, bus, taxi, etc ? »

YES, THERE IS a daily bus, leaving Courmayeur around 5pm and reaching Milan around 8.30pm. If such a timetable doesn't fit, you might take a local bus from Courmayeur to Aosta, which is connected to Milan by train - more frequently. You can ask at the tourist info at Courmayeur (Pazzale Monte Bianco, fax from abroad +39-0165-842072). Buses from outside Milan stop in the city center in front of the Castello Sforzesco (Sforza Castle).

Free rooms ?
« We drove from Malpensa to Lake Maggiore. We stayed in Stresa the 2nd night and Arona the first night. The area was beautiful but the weather was bad for practically the entire time we were in Italy. While taking a picture of the lake in Stresa, there was a hotel behind me, right across the road from the lake, with a sign that said, "Free Rooms." I inquired about the "free rooms" and found that meant vacant rooms ... »

Free guidebook
« I come to visit Milan with a groupe of 15 persons in february. Please send me "a key of Milan" free of charge if possible in german or in english. »

UNFORTUNATELY a key to Milan is produced in a free market economy. Although we are keen to reply to every message we get, we can't afford to consider printed outcomes of our job as donations.

Relevant to me ?
« I am an English student, and will be spending a semester on exchange in Milan. Would your guide be particularly relevant to me ? Also what does it offer that other guides do not ? »

IF YOU SPEND more than three days in Milan (and are a good reader), you're very likely to put the "key" to very good use and discover there's nothing like it. No other guidebook blends such a lot of practical information (more than 1200 addresses, each of them commented), items on art galleries (written by some of the best Milanese critics) or - say - industrial archaeology with accurate listings of trattorie and pizzerie.
We might say that no Italian English language guidebook written and produced on the spot could have lasted fourteen years and five editions, hadn't it been useful for its readers.

The guidebook
Ordering from abroad
« I live in England and will be visiting Milan in April. I recently visited your web site and found it very informative.
I have tried to obtain a copy of "a key to Milan" in England (London and Manchester) but have been unable to do so. Could you please provide the ISBN for the book so that I can order it ? »

THE ISBN is 88-203-2298-6. There are two bookshops in London which are supposed to know how to obtain a copy of our guidebook: The Italian Bookshop by Messaggerie, 7 Cecil Court, t. 171- 240- 634, and The Travel Bookshop, 13 Blenheim Crescent, t. 171-229-5260.
Otherwise, here are the instructions to order through the Internet

An unlisted hotel
« Just wanted to say I bought the book and it helped me to have a great time in Milan. It was very thorough, interesting and helpful. I also wanted to mention to you the hotel where I stayed, which is not listed in your guide but is definitely worth a visit. It's called the Antica Locanda Leonardo, located at Corso Magenta, 78. The phone is [+39] 02 463317. It's just half a block from The Last Supper and very close to Conciliazione Metro. All the rooms have recently been redone, with new furniture and brand new bathroom fixtures. »

THANKS for your kind words as well as for your suggestion. Hope you don't mind if we share your advice with other readers :-)

An unlisted hotel
All rights reserved
copyright © 1996-2001
Monica Levy, Roberto Peretta
copyright © 1996-2001
Ulrico Hoepli SpA, Milano

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