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Past Frames
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Allied orders:
From the High Command of the Western Desert Force:
This mornig, 17th of November 1941, we have launched "Operation Crusader" , we will have a clear superiority on the ground where our "Matildas" will easilly crush the few German MarkIIIs and the inferior italian M13s light tanks..Is your duty, a vital duty, to stop and to make harmless the only real it threat to our attackin forces, the enemy planes. Reliable sources inform us (ULTRA ;) that the enemy has not been able for now to receive substantial reinforcements through the sea...but instead he has received them and still receives them from the air , we will be not able to stop them in the air, so we are going destroy them in their fields.
This same morning our Long range desert corps have launched a succesfull surprise attack on an italian field, destroying more than 40 planes on the ground, we want we want to repeat this sucess, we are going to eliminate al those enemy aircrafts that are slowing down our offensive...And we will catch em in the in their nest.
Commanders will discover the exact objective of our new raid one hour before the take-off (COs must be in the events arena at 14.00 pm of 30th April 2000, to receive squad briefing).
In the same moment in which your bombs will explode on the enemy field the halftracks of the Long Range Desert Corps will join the heavy Matilda tanks of the Eighth Army, some of You will take off again to protect them from the sky (---> the other allies will be driving the tanks of the Eighth Army and the M16s of the L.R.Desert Corps).
Obviously the battle on the ground will be concluded with the total destruction of the enemy base and of all the fighters that threaten our offensive,
General Auchinleck, Commander in Charge of the W.D.F.
Axis orders:
From the High Command of the A.S.I. expeditionary force and Afrika korps:
I want to speak frankly to my men,these will be our desperate days, but if we manage to stop them the final victory will be ours.
The enemy offensive is begun this morning, and we are in disadvantage either numerical either qualitative, at least on the ground.
Our scouts have discovered the presence of about 700 enemy tanks, we have 400 Mark III tanks only, they are not enough.
On the ground the crews of the Italian light tank M13s (M13 was a light tank, with good speed and agility, but pathetic lethality and armor, in this scenario will be simulated by AH M16) of the "Ariete" division, that other times have fought bravely, today are going to fight against enormously better armed and armored enemies and they will do all to stop them, having only a little help from the few german heavy tanks.
But this will be an impossible task for them if our airplanes won't help them from the sky.
The Englishmen know that how much important are for us our fighters and fighter-bombers , this morning to the dawn the 1st Agedabia airfield received a coward surprise attack from enemy halftracks, followed by a bombers raid. We lost about 40 aircrafts, those were all Ju88 and SM81 transport planes (exept 5 Ca311 twin engined scouts)....
If also our fighter forces will suffer such casualties the result will be disastrous, we must avoid this: every bomber imbound Agedabia first line fields will be destroyed in the air, every tank and halftrack will be buried in the sand by our srafing and divebombing attacks.
Erwin Rommel
the Second Frame
Allied orders:
From the High Command of the Western Desert Force:
Our air offensive was succesful, during the first mission we spept many enemy fighters out of the sky, without suffering significant losses.
We also hitted hard our objectives, the advanced airfields, we sieged their bases destroying other aircrafts on the ground, thanks to the exceptional courage of our bomber and tank crews.
After such destructive raids those fields were definitively abbandoned by the enemy .
Anyway , casualties were also high in crucial sectors:
we lost too many bombers due to enemy interception, after that their escorts were enageged and dragged away, only 4 of them managed to reach target and released their bombs with precision and bravery.
Another sector that suffered very high and unexpected losses was our beutifull
1st Royal Tank Regiment, Eighth Army, our tankers pushed deeply their attack and obtained, but then, attacked from air and ground , they suffered tremendous losses and capitulated, but only after a fierce resistance
and inflicting almost the same casualties.
A wing of fighters sent in support of our geound forces was lost, probably bounced by the enemy before makin contact with our Matildas and halftracks, anyway also if they have not been able to help our armored forces, they fought against overhelming enemy forces, downingmany enemy fighters before falling.
We continued our offensive, but the enemy smartly performed a quick retreat, entreenching behind the strong lines on the Cireùnaic border.
This Christmass was one to be rememberd in the Bristish Empire and Commonwealth military history, our forces fought bravely and successfully, against an enemy always increasing in number and quality, never giving up pushing the enemy everyday. But now too many convoys are coming from Sicily, too many tanks are disembarking in the Tripoli docks, we need to entrench here where we arrived, on the El-Ageila line, and resist to the counteroffensive that the enemy is surely planning.
They cant launch their tanks and infantry on an open field run against our positions without acquiring air superiority,and they will not get it.
"Operation Crusader" is not failed we pushed the enemy away from Egipitian borders, let not give cheaply the land we payed with so much young blood.
This time we'll have to face even more German MarkIIIs and helped by M13s light tanks, and also german fighters newly arrived from other fronts.
General Auchinleck, Commander in Charge of the W.D.F.
Axis orders:
We've won once again, but the funny thing is that this time the enemy still thinks to be the winner.
We suffered heavy fighter losses during the first part of the offensive, its true, but many of our pilots survived, and are now flying new planes. But, more important, thanks to the sacrifice of the always brave italian pilots and tank crews, the german tanks and bomber busters got two decive victories.
We inflicted extremely high casualties to their bombers wich were hit also in the return trip, and destroyed the elite of their ground forces: their heavy tanks pushed too deeply behind our lines...They first were furiously attacked from the sky, their light tanks were wiped out and also heavy ones suffered losses and damage, then, they got the final strike, our tanks finally came... Once again italian crews demonstrated a courage big enough to compensate than their poor than their tanks light tanks performed high speed hit and run attacks on the Matildas, suffering heavy losses, but givin the possibilty to their german fellow soldiers to shoot and destroy the enemies without any loss.
Anyway the enemy managed to destroy precious resources and structures, we had to retreat, but we retreated quickly and methodically, and the enemy wasnt just able to catch us befor we reached our forts in the El-Ageila zone, we stopped there and the enemy on,ly vasted more men and machines trying to open a breach in our defences. But that was a desperate battle they had to fight, beacuse they know that we can recover from our losses, they cant.
Reinforcements from Sicily are now regular, warm your tank and your plane engines, because we are about to start a long march, that will end under the moon of Alexandria. First they will give up in the sky under the strikes of our flying armada, then we'll break them into little pieces with our armored blitz .
Erwin Rommel
Frame 3 Sun 14 May 2000 3 PM EST (21.00 continental
Europe time; 20.00 UK)
like always, two missions:
Allied orders:
![]() From the Western Desert Force high command:
Rommel is at Sollum! The vital port of Tobruk has been cut out from the rest of our forces and is now under siege, last time they tried to take this fort they failed with great losses after trying for months, this will happen again.
But this time the siege will be even harder, yesterday, about 800 axis airplanes were involved in jabo missions on the fort, without any air opposition.
I am sure they will try again, but we are waiting them now.. This same night one of our fighter wings landed at a small airstrip made by our engineers inside the Tobruk perimeter,
This morning a German recce plane was spotted flying just over our new airbase, he was obviously takin photos for their divebombers, we expect em to be here in few hours.
But when the huns will come back, they will find the area capped!
In the same time, another of our wings will be hitting their advanced airfield at Sollum.
Not only planes, but an entire tank division is going to attack Tobruk (mission2), and their first objective will be for sure our new airstrip, wich is in the periphery of our defensive perimeter, and we almost have only small arms against em.
We received a new plane: the americans gave us a new powerfull weapon to hit every sort of ground target, the A36 (p51 jabo).
General Auchinleck, Commander in Charge of the W.D.F.
Allied orders:
From the High Command
of the A.S.I. expeditionary force and Afrika korps:
With our last air offensive we gained the air superiority of over the front area at a price we can accept, but now we must fight to mantain it, Raf is receiving and sending on the front an increasing number of american fighters and bombers, we must must inflict them heavy losses now before they can get too many reinforcements.
Yesterday Tobruk was cutted out from the other enemy forces by our succesfull offensive. This time Tobruk siege will not be a long one, we have more planes and more tanks, our jabos started hammering the city yesterday, and today an entire tank division will reach their defensive perimeter.
A small airstrip appeared inside the city, and today from the photos of one of our Ca311 recce planes we discovered some enemy fighters hidden in the brushes near the runway, they will have short life there, even if they manage to take off they will never land.
A new batch of Macchi 202-bis (Mc205V) came from Italy, and there is a good new, new planes were equiped with a new engine (the DB605Aa) and 2 Mauser 151-20 20mm cannons, boosting their lethality and speed.
Erwin Rommel
Frame 4 Sun 21 May 2000 3 PM EST (21.00 continental
Europe time; 20.00 UK)
like always, two missions:
Sunday 21st June 1942 : Tobruk falls to the Germans, who capture 32,000 prisoners, 2,000 tons of fuel, 5,000 tons of food and 2,000 vehicles.
Tuesday 23rd June 1942 : German advanced elements reach the Egyptian border.
Wednesday 24th June 1942 : The Germans advance into Egypt as the British retreat continues. Sollum and Sidi Barrani are evacuated by the Eighth Army.
Thursday 25th June 1942 : The Germans capture Sidi Barrani, Sollum and the Halfaya Pass in Libya as the Eighth Army retreats to Mersa Matruh in Egypt. General Auchinleck takes personal command of the Eighth Army.
Friday 26th June 1942 : Rommel is made a Field Marshal and launches his attacks against Mersa Matruh.
Sunday 28th June 1942 : The British begin a withdrawal to El Alamein defences.
Monday 29th June 1942 : Rommel takes Mersa Matruh after heavy fighting and captures 6,000 prisoners. Alexandria is bombed, while Mussolini arrives at Derna to await the triumphal entry into Cairo...............AND NOW IS UP TO YOU
Allied orders:
From the Western Desert Force high command:
Rommel is less than 100 miles from the place from where im writing this to you, Alexandria and the Empire itself is in your hands, the germans are so near to their objective that they could reach it with one single blow, they are aiming our hearth, for a close shot...But they have only one single last round to shoot..If we manage to protect Alexandria from this blow, we have won the war.
The best of our intel sources gave us the info: their problem is fuel, their refuelling line is too long they are to far away from their starting base and their tanks and planes need a countinuous flow of fuel-truck convoys on the Balbia .
To stop them we need two things now, we must prevent em from conquering the air superiority over our last bastion, El Alamein and we must hit , slow down and finally stop this flow of fuel
to their front lines.
General Auchinleck, Commander in Charge of the W.D.F.
Axis orders:
From the High Command of the A.S.I. expeditionary force and Afrika korps:
From my command tent i already can see the the twinkling of the of the Alexandria mosque's golden roof, we pushed our offensive deep in the enmy territory, but also far away from our supply depots, and our supply lines are becoming too much long and vulnerable, i ask You one last effort, one last push on this on this already cracked wall, and we will knock it down.
Once again our freejadgs will gain air superiority of over the front area before that the increasing number of american fighters and bombers that Raf is receiving and sending on the front can do the difference.
But it is also very important to protect our convoys and supplies.
Erwin Rommel
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