poet from Ivanka Pri Dunaji - Bratislava, (Slovak Republic)

a great friend and appreciated contibuting artist to the projects of Andromeda Fragments ...

her lyrics are charming in simplicity and deepness


There is breathing -
somewhere, beyond.

There is a purpose in
there, on the sun.

There is a life in
on the way, long way.

There is you in
somewhere, on the sun,
on the way just appearing to be long.

= = =


Come over and feel
come here ñ it's real.

We are looking for life,
we are looking for understanding.
Someone gave us a lie
but that is ending.

Life is an understanding,
life is love.
Life is never-ending,
it's never gone.

= = =

tell me something from
your heart

Like a small bee waking up in the spring,
you came along and made me stop to sting
you came along and made me to feel ... .
Do not tell me the lies,
let us touch the skies,
do not listen to the devil's speech,
just believe in everything you reach.
Take your heart, give it to your angel.
Sit down on his tender wings,
lose the black ground under your feet and ... .
Close the door, fly away
life is theatre scene - so play.
Take the warm wind you've never felt before -
do not think of the doubtness anymore,
things happen only once a lifetime
taste it - itís like a precious old wine.
Staying among the million of drops
you can have reached all of the tops
and see through your tears,
that the shop is already closed.
Do not give up and, please, do not cry
come closer and give a ring to your angel -
take a cup of precious wine
and you will fly and fly ...
(25. may 1999)

tuesday poem

You found me -
two faces looking at you from behind the tree,
a†couple of courageous scared eyes
were jumping from you to me
You said: "My wonderful lady"
and I didnít know where to be.

You found me -
and I wasnít scared anymore
that I will not BE.
You gave me the sun
and let me fly free

You found me - and you knew.
You stood in whether it was cruel
You found me - and you kept up
whether you knew it's a matter of heart.

You found me - and brought to life
You show me how do I look like.
You found a girl
and allow her to be
even black or white

= ==


I have to write
but I do not know what.
It's space it's time
it's everything it's nothing.

It's universe ñ it's prison
it's a purpose and it's reason.
Before you do, you are,
before you have you do.

Go up and up and up
and then ...

Just you and no limit,
just the universe and you in it.
It gives you the answers on everything
so spread your wings and fly through it.

(Martina Slnekova)