Linux Online | Linux Resources | The GIMP !! |
For me, THE Interface | Logical, or not ? | Josh's Linux Guide |
Web magazine dedicated to Linux
In these last months Linux has been "discovered" by so many people [not only IT magazines or Web sites, but also little companies like Corel, HP, IBM, Informix, Intel, Netscape, Oracle, Sun, Sybase and so on ...].
Corel | WordPerfect 8 PE | Now |
HP | Firehunter | Jan 1999 |
IBM | Lotus SmartSuite | 1999 |
IBM | Lotus Notes | 1999 |
Informix | Informix-SE | Now |
Netscape | Communicator 4.5 | Now |
Oracle | Oracle 8 | Dec 1998 |
Sun | JDK 1.2 | Dec 1998 |
Sybase | Adaptive Server Enterprise | Now |
I'd like to think that this is not a "short-lived fashion" so I suggest a minimal list of Web sites where you can find almost weekly Linux news (obviously besides Linux sites like mine :-)
1) News.COM
2) Wired.COM
3) ZDnet.COM
I have to specify that sites number 1 and 3 are "traditionally" pro-Microsoft.
Another suggest is that regarding Builder.COM technological guru Rex Baldazzo (definition by C|Net), with a comparison between Windows NT 5.0 and RedHat Linux 5.1
I found it very interesting, at least for three reasons: first of all NT 5.0 is still invisible whereas RH 5.1 is out for months, then the "miracle" that a Web site such C|Net deals with Linux and last but not least Linux is the winner (woh!).
... together with Caldera and SuSE