Below is a list of all the equations that you will not be given on the question paper in GCSE examinations. It will be helpful if you can also rearrange them. The units have not been given in an attempt to clarify the layout. All the equations use standard S.I. units unless otherwise stated.

pressure = force / area

speed = distance / time taken

(pressure x volume) / temperature = constant for fixed mass of gas

work done = force x distance moved in direction of force

power = energy transferred / time taken

power = work done / time taken

moment = force x perpendicular distance to pivot

energy = potential difference x current x time

change in internal energy = mass x specific heat capacity x temp. change

force = mass x acceleration

acceleration = velocity change / time taken

wave speed = frequency x wavelength

charge = current x time

potential difference = current x resistance

electrical power = potential difference x current

weight = mass x gravitational field strength

kinetic energy = ½ mass x velocity2

potential energy = mass x gravity x height

momentum = mass x velocity


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