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SC1                          EXPERIMENTS AND INVESTIGATIONS  


Pupils should be taught:

a. to use scientific knowledge and understanding to turn ideas suggested to them, and their own ideas, into a form that can be investigated;

b. to carry out trial runs where appropriate;

c.to make predictions where it is appropriate to do so;

d. to consider, in simple contexts, key factors that need to be taken into account;

e. to isolate the effect of changing one factor;

f. to decide how many observations or measurements need to be made and what range they should cover;

g. to consider contexts, eg fieldwork, where variables cannot readily be controlled, and to consider how evidence may be collected in these contexts;

h. to select apparatus, equipment and techniques, taking account of safety requirements.

a. to use a range of apparatus and equipment safely and with skill;

b. to make observations and measurements to a degree of precision appropriate to the context;

c. to make sufficient relevant observations and measurements for reliable evidence;

d. to repeat measurements and observations when appropriate;

e. to record evidence clearly and appropriately as they carry out the work.

Pupils should be taught:

a. to present qualitative and quantitative data clearly;

b. to use graphs appropriate to the results obtained;

c. to use lines of best fit where appropriate;

d. to identify trends or patterns in results;

e. to use results to draw conclusions;

f. to decide whether the results support the original prediction when one has been made;

g. to try to explain conclusions in the light of their knowledge and understanding of science.

a. to consider whether the evidence is sufficient to enable firm conclusions to be drawn;

b. to consider anomalies in observations or measurements and explain them where possible;

c. to consider improvements to the methods that have been used.