The Internet Pilot to Physics (TIPTOP)  - The site is "the result of an international effort to improve the use of information technology and the WWW in physics research and education. The project aimed to promote physics not only to scientists but also to the industry, schools, students and any individuals interested in physics and natural science." Excellent starting point for many physics-related topics.

Catholic Memorial Physics  - High School physics formulas, Java Applets, physical constants, science project ideas, physics carols, scientific calculators, study skills, and links to other resources.

Glenbrook (Illinois) South High School Physics - Offering help for the high school physics student with dynamic animation examples, problem sets and a comprehensive guide to the material.

How to Study Physics - A University of Texas classic, written before the web was around, but now revised and web-ready.

Newton's Law of Motion - Newton's law of motion, Christmas songs and a couple of problems.

Physics Comics - Comics-style lessons in physics fundamentals. Topics include motion, forces, vectors, work and energy, and impulse and momentum.

International Physics Olympiads - Regional and international physics olympiads. Information, mailing lists, and links to all the IPhO problems available on the web.MSMS Online Guide To Physics - The Online Guide to Physics was authored and created by the AP Physics class at the Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science with the goal to provide students with an online physics tutorial. The site material covers first-year physics topics, tests, and other physics links.

Physics On-line: Resources for High School Physics - On-line information and resources for students and teachers of secondary school physics. Features long-time Balsa Bridge Building Contest.

Amusement Park Physics - Explores how the laws of physics play a role in the design of amusement park rides. Activities invite visitors to design a roller coaster and determine the outcomes of bumper car collisions. Links to related sites are provided. - A very visually "busy" site for physics-related topics. Educational content includes a large variety of good web links, "ask the expert," and some reference materials.

Web Physics Project - Web Physics is a flexible low budget outlet for small volume, high quality, html based curricular material. It provides a forum for physics educators to exchange curriculum ideas and resources that make use of web technology (primarily public domain material), and provides a medium for the dissemination of student work.

How To Study Physics, the Original Version - A 1955 pamphlet of advice for physics students, with much that's still useful today.

Physics 2000 - An interactive journey through modern physics. Have fun learning visually and conceptually about 20th century science and high-tech devices. Uses java applets.

Computer Simulation Methods - A web site devoted to faculty and students using computer simulation techniques as a method of discovery in physics. This is a companion site to a textbook, but provides content from other sources as well.

Physics at Batesville (Indiana) High School - These pages consist of notes, labs, and handouts from the author's physics classes, collected over the years.

New Scientist's Guide to the Quantum World - Online book explaining some of the quirks and interesting details of quantum theory.

Interactive Textbook - College freshman-level physics textbook online in several different formats, notably a java-interactive format.

The World of Beams (Both Energy and Particle) - Explores the nature of particle beams, laser beams, and related physics topics.

Space and Time - Course based on Stephen Hawking's best selling book, "A Brief History of Time". The course deals with topics in modern physics such as Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, Quantum Theory, Black Holes and the Creation of the Universe.

The Elements of Machines - Some simple machines, explained, decribed and illustrated.

Plano West Physics - Honors physics and AP-C physics course descriptions, school year schedules, suggested web sites and interactive demonstrations, handouts, labs and photographs. A good use of the internet in a high school setting.

Physics for Beginners - An introduction to some concepts in physics for the absolute beginner. Included is a equation solver which is for use with the Physics For Beginners section.

Mousetrap-Powered Cars and Projects - Designed as "your complete source for mousetrap car knowhow." Provides technical help, building tips, and activities that can be downloaded. The book, "Mousetrap Car: The Secrets to Success!" is available for sale at the site.

Numerical Relativity Exhibitions - These are WWW exhibits based on the NCSA Relativity Group's work and on General Relativity. Here you will find exhibits about calculations, computers, virtual reality, the history of science, and much more.

NSTA's Scope, Sequence, and Coordination Project - Offers 9th and 10th grade science teachers hundreds of curricular resources derived from A Framework for High School Science Education, an NSTA publication.

Physics Help - A site to help you understand physics. Excellent list of formulas presented in a visual manner.

Critique and Commentary on the Science of Star Trek - Scientist working at NASA takes the time to briefly analyze various Star Trek scientific issues. An easy read, and a good one.

QuarkNet - Supports centers at 60 universities and laboratories that are participants in the collider experiments at CERN in Switzerland and at Fermilab in Illinois. Physicists will mentor and collaborate with high school teachers. Stipends are provided to the teachers who participate.

Live The Physics - Somewhat interactive site which intends to help with all sorts of physics homework and studying issues, and even allows you to email questions to the authors.

Fundamental Physical Constants from NIST - The values of the fundamental physical constants provided at this site are recommended for international use by CODATA and are the latest available.

Making Waves - An online guide to sound and electromagnetic radiation, created by the 1996 physics students at St. Mary's H.S. Manhasset, U.S.A.

Newton's Apple - Here are links to lessons from the teachers' guides developed for seasons 9 through 15 of the PBS show. They are designed to accompany the television show but are also a useful stand-alone resource. Also, one can order tapes of the shows here.

Physics Simulations - Teaching Programs - Free and commercial site with physics programs and some other materials available for download and/or sale. No Macintosh materials offered.

Kentridge High School Physics - A product of physics classes at Kentridge Senior High School, Kent, WA. Contains interesting links, student-written biographies of famous persons and summaries of physics-related topics, course outlines, class projects, and more.

Professor Stephen Hawking Online - Biographical, educational, and scholarly. Also includes a bit of fun (did you know he was on The Simpsons TV show?)

Skateboard Science - The techniques and equipment skateboarders use to seemingly bend the law of gravity. In the trickscience section, the site explains the physics behind the stunts, and several experiments to try at home. The equipment section offers an in-depth look at skateboard design.

The Soundry, a Site About Sound - An exciting, interactive, and educational web site about sound. Covers everything from the most basic concepts of what sound actually is to the specifics of how humans perceive it. Requires java-enabled browser and shockwave plug-in to enjoy the whole site. Uses frames.

Thermal and Statistical Physics Curriculum Development Project - Devoted to the enhancement of the teaching of undergraduate thermal and statistical physics.

Suction Cup History and Science - Kids' "question and answer page" from a commercial site. Includes history of suction cups, uses, why suction cups stick, etc.

Cockpit Physics - Conceived as a innovative way to motivate USAF Academy cadets to become more interested in basic physics. Multimedia computer programs that are applications taken from real US Air Force missions are combined with traditional physics texts.

Explore Science with Shockwave - A creative use of shockwave technology by Raman Pfaff. He has created a science site with many interactive physics experiments, from sliding down a ramp to tinkering with a solar system. Requires shockwave plug-in.

The Physics Of... - Student research into the physics of various common objects.

Flywheel Physics - Flywheel fundamentals. Derives stored energy/weight, energy/volume vs. various form factors.

Contemporary Physics Education Project (CPEP) - A non-profit organization of teachers, educators, and physicists; at Lawrence Berkeley Lab.

The Physics Encyclopedia - This site provides exhaustive, comprehensive, carefully selected and structured lists on Internet physics resources.

Physical Science Resource Center (PSRC) - This site has a number of resources for physics and physical science teachers K-16.The Physics Connexion, a Resource for the Public - A physics teacher shares his materials and bookmarks, including physics humor, images, tricks and stunts.

Theory of Particle Size Analysis - Small particles are difficult to measure, especially in bulk. Here is a way to do it.

IHS Physics Zone - A physics education site for students of Ithaca High School. Contains course descriptions, assignment lists, science links and other useful stuff.

Theater of Electricity - Explore the history of static electricity and the machines which have used it to make big sparks and create strong electric fields. Van de Graaff generators and Tesla coils are two examples of what is discussed. Many pictures and teaching materials are available.

Physics Education News - Physics Education News summarizes information on resources, national initiatives, outreach programs, grants, professional development opportunities, and publications related to physics and science education. It is issued via email twice a month by the American Institute of Physics.

Polarized Light - Fascinating facts about polarized light, from rainbows to beetles, from viking navigation to LCD displays. Myths and truth about polarized sunglasses. Also a shop with polarized-only items.

Interactive Physics Problem Set - Contains almost 100 practice problems for physics students, accompanied by detailed solutions and interactive computer experiments.

Spacetime Wrinkles - Major advances in computation are only now enabling scientists to simulate how black holes form, evolve, and interact. Learn about relativity and its predictions through text and video files at this site.

Teaching Dynamics with Excel97 - The material presented here is designed to be directly useful to a teacher or student in a more traditional high school or beginning university physics course on mechanics. There are profuse instructions, and some prewritten spreadsheets are available as well.

Physics Reference - Physics symbols, constants, and SI units, prefixes and rules.

ISU Physics Teacher Education Program - From Illinois State University.

Introduction to Radar - Short course in radar and related matters, especially how it is used and thwarted in wartime situations.

A Radically Modern Approach to Introductory Physics - An online book by D. Raymond.

The Science Songwriters' Association - Promotes the use of music in science education.

Playground Physics - A physics curriculum for upper elementary and middle school students which is designed to relate the experience children have on the playground to basic physics concepts.

How Things Work - A service providing answers to questions about physics, science, and how things in the world around us work. Companion to the book by the same name.

Fizzics Fizzle - Interactive guide to physics. Has three levels of instruction: beginner, intermediate and advanced.

BrantaCan Physics - Pages and links about bridges, water, light, colors, waves, particles.

Radiation Physics and Radiocarbon Research Labs at University College Dublin - Specialises in the measurement of minute traces of artificial and natural radionuclides in the environment.

Nuclear Energy Guide - Learn the beginning concepts of nuclear energy including nuclear fission, accidents, power and both sides of the nuclear argument. (quicktime plug-in)

Interactive Physics - A website that teaches physics through interactive applets.

Lectures on Aristotle, Galileo, Newton, and Einstein - Full lecture notes from an introductory course taught at U of Virginia.

Common Errors in Undergraduate Mathematics - This page describes the errors seen most frequently in undergraduate mathematics, the likely causes of those errors, and their remedies. Avoid these errors in order to improve in any math-intensive course, including physics.

Math and Physics Help - Explanations you can understand on a variety of math and physics topics at the high school and college level.

Fireworks, Half a Dozen Pi's, and the Fourth of July - Estimate the size of fireworks bursts in the sky using a simple formula. Article includes discussion of physics and math involved.

La Costa Canyon Physics - Physics Program at La Costa Canyon High School in Carlsbad, California. A model use of the internet to present high school physics curriculum and projects on the web. Also contains a very good list of additional web sites.

Fifty Years of the Transistor - 1997 was the 50th anniversary of the invention of the transistor. Here is its history written by the lab where it was invented.

Select Physics Topics - This Physics online Ebook covers basic electronics from Newton's laws to Electricity and Magnetism. Lots of Applets and Animation included.

NSTA Position Statement on Laboratory Science - Since the laboratory experience is of critical importance in the process of enhancing students' cognitive and affective understanding of science, the National Science Teachers Association makes the following recommendations.

Physics First - Comprehensive site covering many of the issues and facts related to teaching physics early in high school, before chemistry and biology.

Science-Pseudoscience - Science, non-science and pseudoscience: a set of lessons to teach students to define and differentiate the three.

The Evil Tutor's Guide: Graphs and Figures - An amusing, yet sincere, look at where students go wrong when producing scientific graphs for school, college and degree level work.

The Motion Mountain Textbook - A free physics textbook on the introductory physics course level, written to be surprising, entertaining, and thought-provoking. Chapters are downloadable pdf files.

Perpetual Motion - Examples of machines which look like they might run forever, but they do not.

Using Microcomputer Based Labs and Simulations in High School Science - Explores the various views and experiences of teachers, students and professional scientists about using computers to collect and analyze data in the science classroom.

    Atomic Theory - Good for A Level and GCSE

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