Quelques jours apr\u00E8s d\'Artagnan rencontre M. Bonacieux, un de ses voisins. "Monsieur d\'Artagnan, quel plaisir de vous rencontrer! Je suis si soulag\u00E9, aujourd\'hui!"
"Pourquoi?" demande le Gascon.
"J\'ai retrouv\u00E9 ma femme qui a \u00E9t\u00E9 enlev\u00E9e, venez, je vais vous la pr\u00E9senter."
D\'Artagnan fait donc la connaissance de Constance Bonacieux, une jolie jeune femme brune aux yeux clairs.
"Je me sais pourquoi on m\'a enlev\u00E9e, j\'ai eu bien peur, heureusement j\'ai r\u00E9ussi \u00E0 m\'enfuir," raconte-t-elle.
"Excusez-moi," intervient Bonacieux, "je dois partir, mais n\'interrompez pas votre conversation, je vous prie. Au revoir, M. d\'Artagnan."
D\u00E8s que son mari sort, Constance dit: "M. d\'Artagnan, je sais que vous \u00EAtes courageux, je vous en supplie, aidez-moi!" "Tr\u00E8s volontiers, Madame," r\u00E9pond le Gascon, "dites-moi comment et je le ferai."
"Voici: je suis une fid\u00E8le servante de la reine et elle a besoin de mon aide. Elle est amoureuse du duc de Buckingham et il l\'est d\'elle. Il y a quelque temps elle lui a donn\u00E9 en gage d\'amour un coffret avec des ferrets de diamants que le roi lui avait offerts. Je ne sais comment, le cardinal Richelieu l\'a su et, comme il d\u00E9teste la reine, a sugg\u00E9r\u00E9 au roi d\'organiser un grand bal pour qu\'elle montre ses bijoux. Il faut donc ramener en France, avant le bal, les diamants qui sont \u00E0 Londres."
"Comptez sur moi et mes amis mousquetaires, Madame."
'; if (is.CRAPBrowser){ReadingText=ResolveAllURLs(ReadingText);} var NavBar=''; NavBar+='
'; NavBar+=''; NavBar+=''; NavBar+='
'; if (is.CRAPBrowser){NavBar=ResolveAllURLs(NavBar);} var TitleCode = ''; TitleCode += '' + ExerciseTitle + '
'; TitleCode += '' + ExerciseSubtitle + '
'; TitleCode += '
'; var WordBox = ''; var ClozeOpener = ''; ClozeOpener += ''; var Buttons = '
'; ClozeOpener += '
'; var ClozeCloser = '
'; Buttons += '
'; Buttons += ''; Buttons += '
'; var GapCode = ''; var ClueButton = ''; function GoBack(){ var BackSkip = history.length - PreviousPage; if (BackSkip > 0){ history.go((BackSkip+1)*-1); } else{ parent.history.back(); } } function ShowReading(){ if (ReadingFrame != null){ if (ReadingURL.length > 0){ ReadingFrame.location.href=ReadingURL; } else{ ReadingFrame.document.clear(); ReadingFrame.document.open(); ReadingFrame.document.write(ReadingText); ReadingFrame.document.close(); } } } //Reading text/timer code var min var sec var ShowReadingAgain = ''; function DownTime(mm,ss){ min = mm; sec = ss; if (sec==0) { sec = 60; min--; } sec--; if (sec<10){ sec="0" + sec; } if (TimerFrame.document.TimerForm.face == null){ return; } TimerFrame.document.TimerForm.face.value= min+":"+sec; if ((min==0) && (sec==0)){ TimesUp() } else{ setTimeout('DownTime(min,sec)',1000) } } function StartReading(){ Stuff='Tu as encore un peu de temps!'; Stuff+=' '; WriteToTimer(Stuff); ShowReading(); timeoutID=setTimeout('DownTime(4,0)',1000); } function TimesUp() { var Stuff=''; if (ShowReadingAgain.length > 0) { Stuff+=''; WriteToTimer(Stuff); } WriteToReading('Ton temps est écoulé!'); } function WriteToReading(Stuff) { if (is.CRAPBrowser){Stuff=ResolveAllURLs(Stuff);} ReadingFrame.document.clear(); ReadingFrame.document.open(); ReadingFrame.document.writeln (''); ReadingFrame.document.writeln (' '); ReadingFrame.document.writeln ('
'); ReadingFrame.document.writeln ('
') ReadingFrame.document.writeln (''); ReadingFrame.document.writeln (Stuff); ReadingFrame.document.writeln ('
'); ReadingFrame.document.close(); } function WriteToTimer(Stuff){ if (is.CRAPBrowser){Stuff=ResolveAllURLs(Stuff);} TimerFrame.document.clear(); TimerFrame.document.open(); TimerFrame.document.writeln (''); TimerFrame.document.writeln (' '); TimerFrame.document.writeln ('
'); TimerFrame.document.writeln ('
') TimerFrame.document.writeln (''); TimerFrame.document.writeln (Stuff); TimerFrame.document.writeln ('
'); TimerFrame.document.close(); } function BuildExercise(){ var OutString = ''; var ClozeStuff = ''; for (var i=0; i'; } else{ GapLen = I[i][1][0][0].length; if (GapLen < 3){GapLen = 3;} Gap = ReplaceStuff('[strGapSize]', GapLen, GapCode); Gap = ReplaceStuff('[strGapName]', 'Gap' + i + '', Gap); Gap = ReplaceStuff('[strItemNum]', i + '', Gap); Gap = ReplaceStuff('[strValue]', State[i][5], Gap); ClozeStuff += Gap; //Create and add the clue button if (I[i][2].length > 0){ Btn = ReplaceStuff('[strItemNum]', i + '', ClueButton); ClozeStuff += Btn; } } } //Add the last bit if (Text.length > I.length){ ClozeStuff += Text[Text.length-1]; } //Put the final pieces together OutString = ClozeOpener + ClozeStuff + ClozeCloser + Buttons; BuiltCloze = OutString; } function WriteFeedback(Feedback) { //Build the output string var OutString = ''; OutString += ''; OutString += ' '; OutString += '
'; OutString += NavBar; if (Feedback.length>0){ OutString += '' } OutString += '
'; OutString += ''; OutString += Feedback; OutString += '
'; if (is.CRAPBrowser){OutString=ResolveAllURLs(OutString);} //Write it to the frame TopFrame.document.clear(); TopFrame.document.open(); TopFrame.document.write(OutString); TopFrame.document.close(); } function DisplayExercise(){ //Build the output string var OutString = ''; OutString += ''; OutString += ' '; OutString += '
'; OutString += TitleCode; OutString += ''; OutString += NavBar; OutString += '
'; if (WordBox.length > 0){ OutString += WordBox; } OutString += ''; OutString += BuiltCloze; OutString += '
'; if (is.CRAPBrowser){OutString=ResolveAllURLs(OutString);} //Write it to the frame BottomFrame.document.clear(); BottomFrame.document.open(); BottomFrame.document.write(OutString); BottomFrame.document.close(); } function ShowClue(ItemNum){ //alert(ItemNum); State[ItemNum][0] = 1; WriteFeedback(I[ItemNum][2]); } function SaveCurrentAnswers(){ for (var i=0; i-1){ FirstBit = InString.substring(0, i); LastBit = InString.substring(i + Token.length, InString.length); InString = FirstBit + Replacement + LastBit; i = InString.indexOf(Token); } return InString; } I = new Array(); I[0] = new Array(); I[0][1] = new Array(); I[0][1][0] = new Array(); I[0][1][0][0]='apr\u00E8s'; I[0][2]=''; I[1] = new Array(); I[1][1] = new Array(); I[1][1][0] = new Array(); I[1][1][0][0]='Bonacieux'; I[1][2]=''; I[2] = new Array(); I[2][1] = new Array(); I[2][1][0] = new Array(); I[2][1][0][0]='Monsieur'; I[2][2]=''; I[3] = new Array(); I[3][1] = new Array(); I[3][1][0] = new Array(); I[3][1][0][0]='vous'; I[3][2]=''; I[4] = new Array(); I[4][1] = new Array(); I[4][1][0] = new Array(); I[4][1][0][0]='aujourd\'hui'; I[4][2]=''; I[5] = new Array(); I[5][1] = new Array(); I[5][1][0] = new Array(); I[5][1][0][0]='Pourquoi'; I[5][2]=''; I[6] = new Array(); I[6][1] = new Array(); I[6][1][0] = new Array(); I[6][1][0][0]='ma femme'; I[6][2]=''; I[7] = new Array(); I[7][1] = new Array(); I[7][1][0] = new Array(); I[7][1][0][0]='je vais'; I[7][2]=''; I[8] = new Array(); I[8][1] = new Array(); I[8][1][0] = new Array(); I[8][1][0][0]='connaissance'; I[8][2]=''; I[9] = new Array(); I[9][1] = new Array(); I[9][1][0] = new Array(); I[9][1][0][0]='Constance'; I[9][2]=''; I[10] = new Array(); I[10][1] = new Array(); I[10][1][0] = new Array(); I[10][1][0][0]='aux'; I[10][2]=''; I[11] = new Array(); I[11][1] = new Array(); I[11][1][0] = new Array(); I[11][1][0][0]='peur'; I[11][2]=''; I[12] = new Array(); I[12][1] = new Array(); I[12][1][0] = new Array(); I[12][1][0][0]='partir'; I[12][2]=''; I[13] = new Array(); I[13][1] = new Array(); I[13][1][0] = new Array(); I[13][1][0][0]='conversation'; I[13][2]=''; I[14] = new Array(); I[14][1] = new Array(); I[14][1][0] = new Array(); I[14][1][0][0]='revoir'; I[14][2]=''; I[15] = new Array(); I[15][1] = new Array(); I[15][1][0] = new Array(); I[15][1][0][0]='mari'; I[15][2]=''; I[16] = new Array(); I[16][1] = new Array(); I[16][1][0] = new Array(); I[16][1][0][0]='courageux'; I[16][2]=''; I[17] = new Array(); I[17][1] = new Array(); I[17][1][0] = new Array(); I[17][1][0][0]='moi'; I[17][2]=''; I[18] = new Array(); I[18][1] = new Array(); I[18][1][0] = new Array(); I[18][1][0][0]='Gascon'; I[18][2]=''; I[19] = new Array(); I[19][1] = new Array(); I[19][1][0] = new Array(); I[19][1][0][0]='comment'; I[19][2]=''; I[20] = new Array(); I[20][1] = new Array(); I[20][1][0] = new Array(); I[20][1][0][0]='reine'; I[20][2]=''; I[21] = new Array(); I[21][1] = new Array(); I[21][1][0] = new Array(); I[21][1][0][0]='aide'; I[21][2]=''; I[22] = new Array(); I[22][1] = new Array(); I[22][1][0] = new Array(); I[22][1][0][0]='amoureuse'; I[22][2]=''; I[23] = new Array(); I[23][1] = new Array(); I[23][1][0] = new Array(); I[23][1][0][0]='duc'; I[23][2]=''; I[24] = new Array(); I[24][1] = new Array(); I[24][1][0] = new Array(); I[24][1][0][0]='amour'; I[24][2]=''; I[25] = new Array(); I[25][1] = new Array(); I[25][1][0] = new Array(); I[25][1][0][0]='diamants'; I[25][2]=''; I[26] = new Array(); I[26][1] = new Array(); I[26][1][0] = new Array(); I[26][1][0][0]='roi'; I[26][2]=''; I[27] = new Array(); I[27][1] = new Array(); I[27][1][0] = new Array(); I[27][1][0][0]='Richelieu'; I[27][2]=''; I[28] = new Array(); I[28][1] = new Array(); I[28][1][0] = new Array(); I[28][1][0][0]='bal'; I[28][2]=''; I[29] = new Array(); I[29][1] = new Array(); I[29][1][0] = new Array(); I[29][1][0][0]='bijoux'; I[29][2]=''; I[30] = new Array(); I[30][1] = new Array(); I[30][1][0] = new Array(); I[30][1][0][0]='Londres'; I[30][2]=''; I[31] = new Array(); I[31][1] = new Array(); I[31][1][0] = new Array(); I[31][1][0][0]='mes'; I[31][2]=''; I[32] = new Array(); I[32][1] = new Array(); I[32][1][0] = new Array(); I[32][1][0][0]='mousquetaires'; I[32][2]=''; Text = new Array(); Text[0]='Quelques jours '; Text[1]=' d\'Artagnan rencontre M. '; Text[2]=', un de ses voisins. "'; Text[3]=' d\'Artagnan, quel plaisir de '; Text[4]=' rencontrer! Je suis si soulag\u00E9, '; Text[5]='!"
"'; Text[6]='?" demande le Gascon.
"J\'ai retrouv\u00E9 '; Text[7]=' qui a \u00E9t\u00E9 enlev\u00E9e, venez, '; Text[8]=' vous la pr\u00E9senter."
D\'Artagnan fait donc la '; Text[9]=' de '; Text[10]=' Bonacieux, une jolie jeune femme brune '; Text[11]=' yeux clairs.
"Je me sais pourquoi on m\'a enlev\u00E9e, j\'ai eu bien '; Text[12]=', heureusement j\'ai r\u00E9ussi \u00E0 m\'enfuir," raconte-t-elle.
"Excusez-moi," intervient Bonacieux, "je dois '; Text[13]=', mais n\'interrompez pas votre '; Text[14]=', je vous prie. Au '; Text[15]=', M. d\'Artagnan."
D\u00E8s que son '; Text[16]=' sort, Constance dit: "M. d\'Artagnan, je sais que vous \u00EAtes '; Text[17]=', je vous en supplie, aidez-'; Text[18]='!" "Tr\u00E8s volontiers, Madame," r\u00E9pond le '; Text[19]=', "dites-moi '; Text[20]=' et je le ferai."
"Voici: je suis une fid\u00E8le servante de la '; Text[21]=' et elle a besoin de mon '; Text[22]='. Elle est '; Text[23]=' du '; Text[24]=' de Buckingham et il l\'est d\'elle. Il y a quelque temps elle lui a donn\u00E9 en gage d\''; Text[25]=' un coffret avec des ferrets de '; Text[26]=' que le '; Text[27]=' lui avait offerts. Je ne sais comment, le cardinal '; Text[28]=' l\'a su et, comme il d\u00E9teste la reine, a sugg\u00E9r\u00E9 au roi d\'organiser un grand '; Text[29]=' pour qu\'elle montre ses '; Text[30]='. Il faut donc ramener en France, avant le bal, les diamants qui sont \u00E0 '; Text[31]='."
"Comptez sur moi et '; Text[32]=' amis '; Text[33]=', Madame."'; State = new Array(); function StartUp(){ var i = 0; State.length = 0; for (i=0; i -1){ var TotalChars = GetGapValue(i).length; State[i][3] = (TotalChars-State[i][1])/TotalChars; if (State[i][0] > 0){State[i][3] = State[i][3]/2;} if (State[i][3]<0){State[i][3] = 0;} State[i][4] = 1; } else{ //Otherwise, add zero to the array and increment the hints for this item, as a penalty State[i][1]++; State[i][3] = 0; //then set the flag AllCorrect = 0; } } } //Calculate the total score var TotalScore = 0; for (i=0; i'; } Output += YourScoreIs + ' ' + TotalScore + '%.
'; if (AllCorrect == 0){ Output += '
' + Incorrect; } BuildExercise(); WriteFeedback(Output); DisplayExercise(); RestoreCurrentAnswers(); } function TrackFocus(BoxNumber){ CurrentWord = BoxNumber; } function CheckBeginning(Guess, Answer){ var OutString = ''; var i = 0; var UpperGuess = ''; var UpperAnswer = ''; if (CaseSensitive == false) { UpperGuess = Guess.toUpperCase(); UpperAnswer = Answer.toUpperCase(); } else { UpperGuess = Guess; UpperAnswer = Answer; } while (UpperGuess.charAt(i) == UpperAnswer.charAt(i)) { OutString += Guess.charAt(i); i++; } OutString += Answer.charAt(i); return OutString; } function FindLongest(InArray){ if (InArray.length < 1){return -1;} var Longest = 0; for (var i=1; i InArray[Longest].length){ Longest = i; } } return Longest; } function GetGapValue(GNum){ var RetVal = ''; if ((GNum<0)||(GNum>=I.length)){return RetVal;} if (eval('BottomFrame.document.Cloze.Gap' + GNum) != null){ RetVal = eval('BottomFrame.document.Cloze.Gap' + GNum).value; RetVal = TrimString(RetVal); } else{ RetVal = State[GNum][5]; } return RetVal; } function SetGapValue(GNum, Val){ if ((GNum<0)||(GNum>=I.length)){return;} if (eval('BottomFrame.document.Cloze.Gap' + GNum) != null){ eval('BottomFrame.document.Cloze.Gap' + GNum).value = Val; } } function FindCurrent() { var x = 0; FoundCurrent = -1; //Test the current word: //If it's state is not set to already correct, check the word. if (State[CurrentWord][4] != 1){ if (CheckAnswer(CurrentWord, false) < 0){ return CurrentWord; } } x=CurrentWord + 1; while (x -1){return ''} RightBits = new Array(); for (var i=0; i 0){ SetGapValue(CurrGap, HintString); State[CurrGap][1] = State[CurrGap][1] + 1; } WriteFeedback(GiveHint); } function Blank(){ return ' ©Half-Baked Software. Loading... '; } //--> //]]> -->