- società italiana per il risanamento acustico - operates with
success and pluridecennial experience in the civil and industrial
soundproofing field.
Its aim is the solution of the noise problem.
To this purpose it attends to survey, to analyze and to solve any
kind of trouble caused by an excess of noise, whether it is
connected with machinery working cycles or it comes from particular
environmental conditions.
is able to:
- make sound level measurements and / or noise maps,
- study the emerging problems,
- project the solution,
- produce all the necessary manufactures,
- supervise the realization of the project until the final test,
- give certificate of the adopted solution

cement grinding mills' compartmenting walls ECOPHONE system
factory rises in Alpignano (TO), via Monterosa 33, where personel
and technical departments and production plant cover a 1.600 mq.