Absorbitive or reactive
silencers have been studied to cover a very large range of needs in
the industrial field.
The present production includes five series:
- TORNADO series
- EURO series
- GHIBLI series
- ZEPHIRO series
- EOLO series
- TORNADO series
- it allows to damp noises caused by compressors and blowers, with
low acoustical frequencies.
fluidizing system's delivery
- EURO series
- it allows to damp noises coming from fans. It has high
sturdiness standards and wide spectrum damping possibilities.
comburent air intake's silencer
in the heating plant of a paper factory
- GHIBLI series
- it allows damping of big fans' noises. They have high damping
features of the case holding the sound proofing banks.
cement mill's blowdown
- ZEPHIRO series
- especially suitable for ventilation and conditioning units,
determining as well high damping.
ZEPHIRO silencer assembled on cement
mill's compartmenting walls
- EOLO series
- it has been studied for chimneys, with or without case, and
allows in a convenient way to solve critical problems connected
with silencer's logistics.
silencer for exhaust in atmosphere