Hi!! And welcome to

Vito Calvani's Homepage

You're the visitor since 11/12/96

for italian version click here

This is my introduction page... first of all I wish to thank you for your visit, and apologize myself for my bad English ( by the way, I pray you to send me an E-mail if you find some mistakes in my pages.)
You'll not find in these pages a lot of graphics, both for my inexperience and for making your navigation faster ; but I'm sure you can find a lot of interesting matters in my pages... they are a little of my interests, and I desire to share them with you, sure that you'll enjoy.

My pages are under construction again, but you'll find a lot of material if you visit it with regularity. Remember, this is a "free" IOL page, so you'll never find anything about sex and nude.

Here are the arguments you'll find in my pages:

Here you can find a .txt file with game rules or, if you're just a player, some quizzes and problems that will be updated every fifteen days. You'll find also a lot of links to other Bridge Web pages

Here you'll find some .txt or .doc files about most common Openings with related variations ; moreover, I'll put in some of most interesting articles of italian newsgroup it.hobby.scacchi as well as links to other chess web pages , giving you the possibility to learn, play and enjoy with Chess Game. In the end, here you can subscribe my free Chess mailing list called "schakmata"

I was promoter of italian newsgroup it.hobby.fantasport ; here you'll find the most interesting articles of this NG and also a lot of links, rules, tournaments and so on, all regarding the fascinating world of Fantasy sports games

I created this mailing list about my City in September; through this page you can subscribe it ( free, obviously), consult some of the past articles and in the future you'll find also a almost daily update of events in Milano