
Atomic Number 35
Molar Mass 79.9
State at Room Temperature red-brown liquid
Melting Temperature/°C -7.2
Boiling Temperature/°C 58.8
Atomic Radius/pm 114
Ionic Radius 195
1st Ionization energy/ kJ mol 1140
Electron Affinity/ kJ mol -342
Bond Dissociation Enthalpy/ kJ mol 193

Bromine is the less reactive than Chlorine, but more than Iodine. This element is obtained from seawater, which contains Bromide ions, and is oxidised by Chlorine. However, in the laboratory Bromine can be prepared by the reaction of a halide salt with sulphuric acid. This produces hydrogen bromide which can be oxidized by manganese (IV) oxide to produce Bromine.

Test for Bromine:

Uses of Bromine:

Further information: