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- Environmental Impact Assessment and EcoAudit.
- Data input, management, analysis and processing of geo-referenced data.
- Photointerpretation, management and processing of remotely sensed data.
- Location of proper sites for urban or industrial waste disposals.
- Planning of waste draining.
- Detailed geological and hydrogeological survey.
- Seismic prospecting ( S. refraction, S. reflection and S. Tomography) and geoelectric prospecting (profiles and surveys).
- Assessment of seismic risk and seismic microzonation of the land for town plans; calculation of the dynamic amplification factor of the ground (DAF).
- Surveying and geo-mechanic characterisation of rock masses using the Rock Mass Rating (RMR) and the Slope Mass Rating (SMR).
- Production of thematic cartography (i.e. seismic risk maps, hydrological and landslide risk, flooding areas, etc.).
- Technical assistance and training courses for the management and the utilisation of products, databases and Geographic Information Systems.
acta@iol.it ,