is the first photogallery specialized 
in photojournalism and deliberatly created for the communication, diffusion and sale via Internet.
As a traditional gallery, it takes periodical exhibitions, mostly deal with the italian photojournalism,
under the direction of the Istituto
di Studi Scientifici sul Fotogior-
nalismo/Archivio Franco Pinna 
of Rome.To visit the current exhibitions is enought to call the specific voice from the menu 
and to choose among the titles 
of the exhibitions list the one you 
want to see. All the pictures 
shown in current exhibitions and 
in permanent exhibitions sections are availables for sale in a definitive print editions of no more than fifteen pieces for each subject.
Pressphotoitalia/Galleryonline ©   to
Copyright Domini/Pinna for I.S.S.F./Roma
Design by Artware/Udine