Sintesi dell'articolo "La politica dei fattori produttivi"
La politica dei fattori produttivi

(The economic policy of the factors of production)


Antonio Marzano (University of Rome "La Sapienza"),
Renato Brunetta
(University of Rome "Tor Vergata")
and Carlo Milana

(Published in Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo, edited by, La politica dei redditi in Italia, ISPE, Rome, Italy, 1992, pp. 3-41)


The economic policy in Italy has experienced, during the eighties, some interventions that could be considered as part of the supply-side policy. They were, however, of sectoral type and subsidy-oriented: transfers of funds to the firms, mostly state-owned, but also private, which were aimed at specific goals and did not stem from a common strategy. Such interventions often tend to preserve and sometimes to foster sectoral discrepancies in the process of economic growth. It is therefore necessary to implement a supply-side policy which is factor-oriented, capable of affecting the variuos industries of the country in an horizontal way. In the present conditions of public finance in Italy, it is important to find effective interventions that can bring about new institutions and rules rather than new public expenditures. In this way, it could be possible to achieve positive results in the process of capital accumulation and the widening of production capacity.

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