H o m e
D o c u m e n t a r y
T e l e v i s i o n
B i b l i o g r a p h y
F i c t i o n
P u b b l i c a t i o n s
I t a l i a n
L U I G I  D I  G I A N N I
Graduate in Philosophy. He obtained a diploma in film direction at the Experimental Centre of Cinematography of Rome in 1954. He was lecturer of "Film Direction of the documentary Cinema" at the Experimental Centre of Cinematography in Rome from 1977 to 1997.
He was lecturer by contract of "Techniques and Methodologies of Audiovisual aids applied to Anthropologic Science" at the Arts faculty of the University of Palermo from 1982 to 1984. From 1994 he is lecturer by contract of " Institutions of film direction " at the Arts Faculty (Dams) of the University of Calabria.
From 1998 he is lecturer of " Film direction " and member of the didactic-cultural commission at the NUCT (New University of Cinema and Television) in Rome.
He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the Festival of documentary Cinema "Libero Bizzarri " of San Benedetto del Tronto. In the context of the C.S.C. he carried out the medium length film The Arrest from " THE TRIAL " by Kafka, presented "hors de concours" at the "Festival of Venice" in 1954.
He has carried out documentary and cinematographic activity and television film direction, moving from documentary to fiction, from the short film to the long film, from filmed enquiry to dramatisation.
He has carried out numerous short and medium films of antropological, social, turist-cultural, and historical inspiration, documentaries on art, on cinema and short and medium films of fiction.
Many of his films have been presented at the International Exhibition organised in 1980 to celebrate "The Festival of Peoples " at the Center Pompidou in Paris and again in 1994 in the context of the Exhibition " Cinéma du Réel ".
Numerous personal exhibitions of Luigi Di Gianni have been held at the Italian Institutes of Culture of Vienna, Monaco, Colonia, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki. A recent retrospective exhibition of Di Gianni's documentary work was organised by the University of Tubinga (1994).
In 1998 a personal exhibition from documentary to cinematographic and television fiction was promoted at Barcelona at the Italian Institute of culture in collaboration with the French Institute of culture of Barcelona.
In 1963 he collaborated with Zavattini as film director of a long film documentary "The mysteries of Rome" and at "The Film news of Peace" (Il Cinegiornale della pace). With Zavattini again he prepared the project for a documentary of fiction ( not carried out and of which he would have been the film director) with the title "Don Chishotte '63" for the producer Luigi Rovere.
In 1964 he carried out as author of the subject and of the script and as film director the long film called "The time of the beginning" distributed by Italnoleggio Cinematografico presented at the Biennial Exhibition in Venice in 1964. Official recommendation of the cinematographic reviews (S.N.C.C.I). Winner of the Silver Ribbon 1975. Presented to the Festival of the Young Cinema in Toulon 1975. Presented to the festival of New Delhi 1976. Presented to the Exhibition of Italian films in London (British Film Institute) 1976. Invited to the Festival of Valladolid 1975.
In the field of television Di Gianni has carried out numerous programmes from enquiry to theatre, from television to script.
At the moment he is engaged with the Ethnos in carrying out a documentary entitled Matres Matutae on which is about ancient and recent maternal cults.
Luigi Di Gianni
on the set of "The time of beginning"

Luigi Di Gianni on the set of "The time of beginning"
Di Gianni during the shot of "La Madonna del Pollino"