Home Su Installazione 2



To install the Playstation modchip you will need:

1) A fine tipped, low wattage soldering iron. 15W should be fine 

2) Rosin-core solder (makes connections quickly so that heat is not applied to board for extended length of time)

3) "hair wire" or 30AWG solid wire (thick wire pulls against board and pops off the solder points)

It is not a recommended job for inexperienced people. Damage is unlikely if you use caution and the Playstation can be very forgiving at times. But please consult an experienced installer or email our webmaster before doing something you are unsure of.

In this photo, you will see on the sticker- a number such as SCPH-xxxx. Please note this as it is your model number. A,B,C,D,E, and F are your case screws. Remove these as shown below.

Then flip the unit over and ENSURE that no CD has been left in the console before separating the top of case from the bottom. Then you should be at this point..    

Next, we will remove the laser assembly. If you damage this, you will need to buy a new Playstation! There is a flat data cable (#1) and a connector with 3 black wires and 1 white wire (#2- very delicate)

 #1 can be disconnected by slightly rocking it and pulling upwards<please note that on some older model PSXs- this connector may require pushing DOWN on a small retainer clip which is black and at the base of connector on board>. I advise dislodging #2 connector with a small screwdriver on each side before pulling upwards with a firm grip on the connector, being sure to not pull on the wires 

 Once these two cables have been removed, you are ready to remove the laser assembly. DO NOT even think about touching the eye. Just set this baby down out of the way somewhere until you are ready for it again..

You are not done quite yet.  There is still another page to this installation guide!