In 1984, however, thanks to a very strong experience of faith, he decided to undertake as a professional a new musical trend, suggesting by his songs as a singer new subjects of social and religious character. Thus, not only he worked in the typical environments of the show but he also started to sing in schools, churches, prisons, hospitals and in recovery communities, telling the experience of his troubled life and unhappy childhood injured by illness as well as the experiences that had been pushing him towards emptiness and darkness until a Light had come: the light of hope born by Faith.
His testimonial is simple and lies in expressing, through music and words, the Love of Christ that can get to the heart of every man who desires to open out to Him.
He has already produced several albums of songs and, after four years silence, he then issued with Edizioni Paoline "Tempo di pace". It is a work rich in musicality along with strong matters where you also feel his desire of telling his own story and the story of the ways he has gone to come to Christ, source of endless Peace, and, along with that, the social disasters that are nowadays upsetting the earth, that are to fight against with true Love.
A proposal of songs full of commitment, born by real life and not just by tall talks; an impulse to live the evangelic message deeply inside and to embrace with strength the faith in God and in his providence to finally attain the long desired peace: peace among all men and peace in the heart of every man.
One of the pieces making up the collection is "Concerto a Sarajevo", dedicated to the children who were victim of the wars and in particular to Mons. Tonino Bello on the occasion of the peace march held in Sarajevo together with the association "Beati costruttori di Pace" (Blessed fighting for peace).
He gave concerts all over Italy as well as in Europe, U.S.A., Central and Latin America and Argentina. He took part in various International Festivals of contemporary christian music, e.g. DAVID (Spain) BANUEV (Argentina) - HOSANNA (Florida, U.S.A.) CHRISTIAN ARTS (Holland) MAGNIFICAT (Italy) GOSPEL JUBILEE FESTIVAL (Italy) MEETING INTERNAZIONALE DEI GIOVANI (International Youth Meeting, Italy) - SANREMO CRISTIANA (Italy).
Many mass-media such as Radio, Televisions (domestic as well as international) and newspapers, both catholic and secular, have talked about him. Roberto has been the promoter of international festivals of christian music and art director of compilations of international christian music. He is also the author of Radio Marias jingle "Ballata per Maria" available also in Spanish (Balada por Maria).
As an art director he contributed to four international compilations of christian artists, two of which ecumenical, and organized concerts of international christian music.
Roberto has issued six CD and is now working on his latest one called "Ho bisogno di te" (I need you).
Life – Roma 1989
Fiera del libro religioso - Milano 1989
Il nostro canto libero Milano 1991 – Lecce 1992
Multifestival David (Spagna) 1993 – 1994 –1999
Multifestival Hosanna (Florida-Usa) 1994
Multifestival Magnificat (Italia) 1994 – 1995 - 1996
Multifestival Banuev (Argentina) 1995
Christian Artist Festival (Olanda) 1998
Festival des Jubilaums Singen (Germania) 2000
Meeting Internazionale dei giovani (Schio-VI) 1999 – 2000
Il mio Dio canta giovane(Assisi) 1988 - 1996
Sanremo Cristiana (Sanremo) 1999
JMJ Parigi 1996
Meeting dei Giovani – Pompei 1997
Convegno Nazionale "Giovani Verso Assisi" 2000
GMG Tor Vergata Roma – 12 Agosto 2000
Fordham University - New York 2000
Chapel Millenium Malta 2000
Il mondo canta Maria 2001 - Schio 30 Aprile 2001
Insieme per un mondo migliore - Acquarossa Ticino CH 2001-2002
Wessobrunn 2001 - Germania
Festival religioso Missisagua Toronto Canada 2001
Festival dei giovani - Bulgaria 2001 - 2002
Festival Piosenki Religijnej "Soli Deo" Bilgoraju (Polonia) 2002
Song Of Songs - Torun 2002 Polonia
Franciscan Fest - Canada 2002
WYD - Toronto 2002