
Number operations and the relationships between them
* Understand addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as they apply to whole numbers and decimals; know how to use the laws of arithmetic and inverse operations.
* Know and use the order of operations, including brackets.

Mental methods and rapid recall of number facts
* Consolidate the rapid recall of number facts, including positive integer complements to 100 and multiplication facts to 10 × 10, and quickly derive associated division facts.
* Consolidate and extend mental methods of calculation to include decimals, fractions and percentages, accompanied where appropriate by suitable jottings; solve simple word problems mentally.
* Make and justify estimates and approximations of calculations.

Written methods
* Use standard column procedures to add and subtract whole numbers and decimals with up to two places.
* Multiply and divide three-digit by two-digit whole numbers; extend to multiplying and dividing decimals with one or two places by single-digit whole numbers.
For calculations with fractions and percentages, see above.

Calculator methods
* Carry out calculations with more than one step using brackets and the memory; use the square root and sign change keys.
* Enter numbers and interpret the display in different contexts (decimals, percentages, money, metric measures).

Checking results
* Check a result by considering whether it is of the right order of magnitude and by working the problem backwards.

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