Handling data

Specifying a problem, planning and collecting data
* Given a problem that can be addressed by statistical methods, suggest possible answers.
* Decide which data would be relevant to an enquiry and possible sources.
* Plan how to collect and organise small sets of data; design a data collection sheet or questionnaire to use in a simple survey; construct frequency tables for discrete data, grouped where appropriate in equal class intervals.
* Collect small sets of data from surveys and experiments, as planned.

Processing and representing data, using ICT as appropriate
* Calculate statistics for small sets of discrete data:

  • find the mode, median and range, and the modal class for grouped data;
  • calculate the mean, including from a simple frequency table, using a calculator for a larger number of items.
* Construct, on paper and using ICT, graphs and diagrams to represent data, including:

  • bar-line graphs;
  • frequency diagrams for grouped discrete data; use ICT to generate pie charts.

Interpreting and discussing results
* Interpret diagrams and graphs (including pie charts), and draw simple conclusions based on the shape of graphs and simple statistics for a single distribution.
* Compare two simple distributions using the range and one of the mode, median or mean.
* Write a short report of a statistical enquiry and illustrate with appropriate diagrams, graphs and charts, using ICT as appropriate; justify the choice of what is presented.

* Use vocabulary and ideas of probability, drawing on experience.
* Understand and use the probability scale from 0 to 1; find and justify probabilities based on equally likely outcomes in simple contexts; identify all the possible mutually exclusive outcomes of a singe event.
* Collect data from a simple experiment and record in a frequency table; estimate probabilities based on this data.
* Compare experimental and theoretical probabilities in simple contexts.