Statistics and Classifications.

Beh, speaking about University, about 'places of knowledge', some Statistics couldn't be missing.
Here you find the descriptive statistics about our research; in particular the percentages of the Home Pages we classifed in the four classes: Total Accessibility, Poor Form, Tricky Navigation and Inaccessibility. Then, with an about monthly rhythm, we'll update the percentages and we'll refer about how many Web Master/Mistress answered our notification, about how many of them modified their Home Pages, about how many of them communicated us what they canghed and finally a surprise...about which we're going to speak as soon as it will be ready.

To show the data we choose ASCII tables, if you use a screen reader (or only if tables aren't rightly formatted) and you need a 'leteral' version of tables make active the 'Description' you find before each table.


The Classification.

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