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Vasilij Kandinskij
Visualizza: Alcuni Cerchi
Kandinskij: la Neue Künstlervereinigung
Kandinskij: Der Blaue Reiter
Kandinskij: l'esperienza alla Bahaus
Eliot: his poetic conception
Eliot: The Waste Land
Luigi Pirandello
Pirandello: la poetica
Pirandello: Il fu Mattia Pascal

La relatività ristretta
Le ripercussioni filosofiche della relatività
Le ripercussioni letterarie della relatività


Thomas Stearns Eliot was born in St. Louis Missouri, in 1888, on both sides his ancestors had been among the earliest settlers to move to Massachusetts from their native England.

He began studying at the Smith Academy and then entered Harvard University. Already in this time he showed his English taste, with his careless way of dressing and his smoking a pipe; typical English behaviour. He was a reserved student due to his inborn shyness and tried to over come this problem by taking dancing and boxing lessons.

Soon he developed interest in literature and philosophy, especially Indian philosophy and studied Pali and Sanskrit.

After taking his M.A. degree, he came to Europe and attended the lectures of Henri Bergson and was deeply influenced by the works of the French Symbolists.

When the First World War broke out he went to England where he studied Greek philosophy and knew Ezra Pound who praised his poems. He tried to enlist in the U.S. Navy, but was refused because of his poor health.

He went to Switzerland where he finished writing The Waste Land; after its publication he was hailed as the most important English-speaking poet of the time. He eventually joined the Church of England and took British citizenship; for this new position he defended himself proclaiming he is "an Angle-Catholic in religion, a classicist in literature and a royalist in politics".

Finally he received the British Order of Merit and the Nobel Prize for literature.

He died in London (1965).

His most important works are:

  • The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock;
  • The Waste Land;
  • The Hollow Men
  • Journey of the Magi
  • Ash Wednesday
  • Murder in the Cathedral
  • The Cocktail Party.

His poetic conception
The Waste Land