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- Downloads Sections (military maps of the teather that every serious pilot should have)
- Allies scores
Aces High Historical Squadrons are recruiting, many glorious squadrons that actually existed in
World-War II are goin revive in Aces High Skies!
To join H.S.T. you need to register here.
The Historical Squadrons Tournament is divided in campains, each campain is like a league, each league is divided in Frames.
For all the First Campain of the H.S.T. the squadrons will meet in weekly Frames to fight their battles in Mediterranean Arena.
The task of each squadron is simple: Win engagements and achieve mission objectives to get points and win the Tournament.
Each squadron Commander has responsability to choose how achieving mission objectives.
There will be no individual ranks or killboards, the scoring system will focus on the group achievements,
fight as a group and team to the best to kill enemy and survive, then and now this is the only real victory for a military pilot.
This is the list of all the historic squadrons of HST, each squadron has a SQUAD CODE (for example axis1is the squad code for J27 "Afrika" commanded by camo)
Just pick 3 squadrons where u would like to be assigned, write down their squad codes .
During the registration you will be asked to enter your squadron's first, second and third choice, entering the squadron codes of the 3 squadrons where u would like to enlisted.
DONT CHOOSE -FULL- SQUADRONS! In this squadrons there are no free slots for more pilots !
Please note: you can enter any axis or allies squadron
AXIS1 - 109 G2 -Jagdgeschwader 27 "Afrika" (CO is Camo) ville.pitkanen@hut.fi -FULL-
AXIS2 - 109 G6 - Jagdgeschwader 53 "Pik As" (CO is Pongo) gregsutton@telus.net -FULL-
AXIS3 - 190 A5 - 1 squad (CO is hblair) hblair@cybrtyme.com -FULL-
AXIS4 - 190 A8 - 1 squad (CO is NathBDP) nath@zyan.net -FULL-
AXIS5 - C.205 and C.202 - Primo Gruppo Caccia (CO is Busc) buscaglia@tiscalinet.it -FULL-
AXIS 6 - C.205 and C.202 - 4^ Stormo Caccia (CO is Gatt) f.aloisi@tin.it -FULL-
AXIS 7 - Ju-88 Ju-88 - Stab I of Kampfgeschwader 77 (CO is r2chie) r1ch@apex2000.net -GUNNERS-
AXIS 8 - Ju-88 Stab I of Kampfgeschwader 1 (CO is Busc/Gatt) -REOPENED/SEARCHING CO-
ALLIES1 - Spitfire IX (CO is Wolf37) FLAMEOUT@lycosmail.com -FULL-
ALLIES2 - Spitfire IX - (CO is kbman) kbman@netreach.net -FULL-
ALLIES3 - Typhoon - (CO is Manedew) thief@texas.net -FULL-
ALLIES4 - P47-d25 - 1 squad (CO is Ripsnort) ripsnort@earthlink.net -FULL-
ALLIES5 - P38 (squad 1) (CO is Central) leopark@earthlink.net -FULL-
ALLIES6 - P38J - (squad 2) (CO is Citabria) sengelmeier@hotmail.com -FULL-
ALLIES7 - B26 - 1 squad (CO is hangtime) rcpilot@earthlink.net -GUNNERS-
ALLIES8 - B17 - 1 squad (CO is Sunchser) enthor@aol.com -GUNNERS-
.register here to enlist in an historical squadron.
incomplete registrations
(=with incomplete "required" fields in the form)
will not be considered
We are currently searching for two Ju-88 enthusiasts with good tactical and strategical bombing experience for the place of commander of 2 Ju-88 Squadrons.
.If you are interested just fill the form to join the selection for this position in command.
H.S.T. Headquarters
- Busc - - Zigrat -
- Camo -
HeRe To Help
(vry bsy in this period ;-( ... spare him if u can ;-)
(ASK him ASK him!...bad weather in finland now and nothin to do ;)
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