Anja & Ambalavao
Anja Park is a great place to see ring-tailed lemurs that, apart from being cute and funny, have a very interesting social behaviour. ( Being used to men's harmless company, Anja’s wild lemurs were not frightened by my presence and real fun to watch!!
Back in Ambalavao on Wednesday,I had a really interesting day to spend there, at the weekly market and the “marché à zebu”. Zebus are here as much a sign of prosperity as in Western culture a large house or a big car. Investors look out for the best animals (colour, horns and humps play a big part in the value of a zebu).
Heading towards Anja Park on RN7
The impressive granite domes at Anja
And, here they are, the Ringtail Lemurs!
Even in rocky surroundings, Madagascar’s vegetation is surprisingly rich...
Another group of Ringtails, quite unaffected by my curiosity
And the usual chameleon
The Wednesday market in Ambalavao
The fruit and vegetables section of the market
Grasshoppers (yum!) and tomatoes
The zebu market
Buyers and sellers come to Ambalavao’s zebu market from all over Madagascar
Malagasy  businessmen catching up on the latest news



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