NameChum Pro 2.5.0
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NameChum Pro is an application for changing the name of files, folders and disks. It is useful for normal desktop usage, but becomes cool when works, fine, fast and in background, with thousands of files.
NameChum Pro can modify the name of objects by using one of offered options:
- Rename. Also NameChum automatically add a progressive number, as prefix or suffix, to changed names.
- Rename with numbers. NameChum rename your objects by using progressive numbers. You may select the starting number. You may also add custom prefix or suffix, to changed names.
- Custom prefix and/or suffix.
- Date. As prefix and/or suffix.
- Time. As prefix and/or suffix.
- Progressive number. As prefix and/or suffix.
Moreover NameChum Pro has other cool features for working on names:
- searches/replaces characters,
- removes any number of characters starting from whatever position into names,
- truncates start and/or end of names.
Through preferences you may decide:
- the default action,
- the default job method,
- whether NameChum Pro should scan directories,
- whether it should change names of directories,
- whether it should restart the progressive number at each session,
- whether it should try to set the extensions of names following the Internet Config "File Mapping" setting,
- whether it should set the extensions of names following only the Internet Config File Mapping" setting,
- up to four file type to ignore during the renaming,
- up to four file type to rename, ignoring the other ones.
Internet Config has a great Database containing extension: NameChum Pro allows you to use it, when you should insert a new suffix. You may easily modify this Database...
By using hot keys you may skip the "request" dialog and changing, on the fly, by using the default action. Moreover there's a key for setting the preferences before work.
After all you may use the enclosed Contextual Menu Extension for asking NameChum Pro to rename your selection.
NameChum Pro is Internet Config, Drag Manager and Navigation Manager aware, moreover it's Appearance savvy. It requires at least System 7 to run.
What's new in 2.5.0 version
- Rename option.
- Rename with numbers option.
- Contextal Menu extension.
- Extensions Database.
- NameChum Pro ignore, now, invisible files.
- Better Appearance dialogs.
- New About Box.
- Removed registration form from About Box.
- Added Registrations folder.
- Added Support folder.
- Recompiled with Interfaces-Libraries 3.3.2
- Internet Menu changed.
- Linked with MoreFiles 1.5.
- Linked with Appearance SDK 1.04.
- Linked with Internet Config 2.0.2.
- Recompiled by using the newest compiler.
- Addresses update.
- Minor bug, saving window position, fixed.
- A bug in Navigation routines fixed.
- Pro version.
Hardware and software requirements
NameChum Pro should work on any Macintosh with a minimum of System 7. It's accelerated for PowerPC. If you have the Appearance Manager and/or same the Navigation Manager and/or same the Drag Manager, they will be taken advantage of. Some menu items may be disabled or some feature may be inactive if you don't have Internet Config 2.0 installed (only on PowerMac).
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Visitors of this Site:
The ZDNet's NameCum page 
The NameChum page on FileDudes.