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Yellow Extensions Toolkit 1.0.1
In order to write extensions for YellowEdit and for any applications supporting YellowExtensions you need this SDK.
The latest YellowView release.

YellowEdit 1.0.0 (FAT)
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YellowEdit is a powerful styled text editor based on WASTE text editing library. It's SHAREWARE. After a trial period of one week it switches itself to Lite version. The Lite version has some special features disabled, but it's FREEWARE.You may register at any time the version you're using.
All WASTE based applications have some common feature:
No 32K text size limit. Built-in undo. Full WorldScript support. Double-byte/bidirectional scripts support. Built-in inline input support. Multi-styled text. Drag-and-drop text editing. Translucent Drag-and-Drop. Embedded objects. Real tabs. Fully justified text. Command-clicking of URLs (by using Internet Config).
YellowEdit offers a lot of additional features like:
- Support of files of type 'TEXT', 'ttro', 'PICT', 'JPEG', 'JFIF','TIFF', 'PNTG' (MacPaint), '3DMF' (QuickDraw3D), 'sfil', 'MooV' (QuickTime).
- Support of SimpleText documents also with PICT and Sound resources.
- Insertion of supported files inside existing texts, also by drag-and-drop of desktop icons onto open windows.
- Date-time insertion.
- On the fly sound creation-insertion.
- Advanced text selection.
- Ability to keep several clipboard instance.
- Dos/mac/unix text conversion.
- Support of dos/mac/unix line break.
- Bookmarks for any individual document.
- Documents statistics.
- Directory popup.
- Live scrolling.
- SmartScroll support.
- Occurrences counting.
- Text manipolation: uppercase, lowercase, word-caps, sentence-caps, smart quote, strip diacrictics, Rot13.
- Individual documents preferences.
- Auto indent.
- Showing/hiding colors.
- Mono styled text option.
- Set/unset, on the fly, "ReadOnly" file.
- Searching and opening of text selection (simple hypertext feature).
- Advanced Search/Replace features (also across windows).
- Advanced windows management.
- Support for external extensions (Plug-Ins 1) to increase its capacity (a SDK for writing extension is included).
- Creation (and usage) of 3 kind of external module ( Plug-Ins 2):
- predefined styled texts insertion;
- styled HTML tags insertion;
- opening of the front window by using different applications (i.e. if you're using YellowEdit for HTML programming you should easily view your page by using your preferred browser or check the html code by using your preferred html validator).
- Ability to cooperate with ThinkReference and ToolboxAssistant.
- Ability to cooperate with CodeWarrior.
- SpeechManager support.
- Catalogs creation: you may create catalogs of disks and folders by using the proper menu or by dragging disks and folders on the YellowEdit icon (Catalogs + Search/Replace + Open selection + Count occurrences + Doc statistics = useful catalog utility) .
- Last, but not least, YellowEdit may create YellowView 2.0 application. YellowView is a multi-page, stand-alone document viewer having all of YellowEdit features (but don't allow writing or changing).
And much moreŠ
YellowEdit is Appearance Savvy and requires at least System 7 to run
The pages of this site were built on a Macintosh by using YellowEdit.