YellowView 2.1.2 (FAT)
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Need you a fast way to build stand-alone multi page documentation? or a Reference system? or a Help System? Should have, the program you need, a very low cost? Should be, the applications created, under free distribution?
YellowView is what you want!
You may build a YellowView's stand-alone documentation by dragging text files onto its icon or onto its window or by means of menus. You may create 68k, PPC or FAT binary YellowView's applications.
YellowView's stand-alone documentations are WASTE based applications having some special features:
- Any individual page has no 32K text size limit.
- Full WorldScript support.
- Double-byte/bidirectional scripts support.
- Multi-styled text.
- Drag Manager support.
- Translucent Drag-and-Drop.
- Embedded objects (images, sounds, QuickDraw3D, QuickTime).
- Real tabs.
- Fully justified text.
- Command-clicking of URLs (by using Internet Config).
- Text selection.
- Bookmarks.
- Live scrolling.
- SmartScroll support.
- Searching and opening of text selection (simple hypertext feature).
- Search features (also across the whole application).
- SpeechManager support.
- Custom icon for any individual page.
- Full support od SimpleText text documents.
Last, but not least, YellowView's stand-alone documentations support five kind of AppleEvents, with related AppleScript commands, for searching words or pages. This feature allows to configure YellowView's applications as Help or Reference System.
YellowView Builder is SHAREWARE. All YellowView's stand-alone documentations can be freely distributed.
YellowView is Appearance Savvy, Internet Config, Icon Service and Navigation Manager aware. It requires at least System 7 to run
What's new in 2.1.2 version
- SimpleText's 'PICT' and 'snd ' resources support .
- 'icns' resources support.
- Windows position saving.
- Improved Modal Dialog filters.
- Better error checking.
- Better error infos.
- Addresses update.
- Code optimized for better performances.
- Improved Internet menu.
- Navigation Manager aware.
- Removed registration form from About Box.
- Added Registrations folder.
- Added Support folder.
Hardware and software requirements
YellowView should work on any Macintosh with a minimum of System 7. It's accelerated for PowerPC. If you have the Appearance Manager and/or same the Navigation Manager, they will be taken advantage of. Some menu items may be disabled if you don't have Internet Config 2.0 installed (only on PowerMac).
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