The Eraser Pro 2.7.0
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Make The Eraser Pro the cleaning application of your choice! There are its features:
- Security method.The Eraser Pro deletes your files by using a sophisticated procedure. It lets you customize many details of this job. The recovery of deleted files becomes impracticable: there's no utility ables to do it!
- Simple method.You may also choose some details of this job.
The Eraser Pro returns several informations while it's using the features of above and allows you to stop its performance at any time. It works fine and fast in background, deleting large groups of items, you may also instruct it to ask you the permission, before deleting.
The Eraser Pro may initialize your disks by using its own, customizable, method. Through a co-operation with System, The Eraser Pro allows you to take advantage of HFS+ and FSM, if you want.
The Eraser Pro creates a list, from where you may gather infos/trash/delete/view your selection. You may also trash/delete the whole list and you've always the option to erase by using the "Security method".
- Preferences search: The Eraser Pro searches orphan preferences files.
- System Folder search: The Eraser Pro searches orphan files inside the whole System Folder.
All following cleaning options allows you to select the objects to scan: disks, folders and, often , individual files.
You may get a more accurate analysis, using the three cleaning option of above, by activating a couple of special options, but slackening the scan speed.
- Cache search: The Eraser Pro may scan the cache folders of your Browsers, excluding some files according to theirs modification dates.
- Duplicate file names search.
- Empty folders search.
- Folder icons search.
- Empty aliases search.
- Help files search.
- Custom icons search: you can't delete files in this list but you may just remove custom icons.
- Previews search: you can't delete files in this list but you may just remove preview resources.
- FAT objects search: you can't delete files in this list but you may just remove the useless code.
- Find: this is a cool feature! You may instruct The Eraser Pro to search files matching type, creator, flags, extension, prefix and name. It may also skip or include files created or/and modified within the period of time you want.
The Eraser Pro sports Drag and Drop and is Drag Manager aware: you may perform almost all actions of above simply dropping objects onto its main window or onto its desktop icon. You may choose the action The Eraser Pro should perform by using Drop Keys.
After all you may use the enclosed Contextual Menu Extension for asking The Eraser Pro to erase your selection.
The Eraser Pro is Internet Config and Navigation Manager aware, moreover it's Appearance savvy. It requires at least System 7 to run.
What's new in 2.7.0 version
- Contextal Menu extension.
- New "Remove Previews" feature.
- New "Remove Help Files" feature.
- Added, in the list window, the "Remove all Icons" option.
- Main window re-arranged.
- The list scroll down, while it's building.
- The list scroll up, while it's deleting.
- XTND recognized as System files, searching for orphans.
- Lists activation by Drop Keys.
- List navigation by directional keys.
- Bug, inside "Internet" code, fixed.
- Linked with MoreFiles 1.5.
- Linked with Internet Config 2.0.2.
- A bug in Navigation routines fixed.
- Recompiled with Interfaces-Libraries 3.3.2.
Hardware and software requirements
The Eraser Pro should work on any Macintosh with a minimum of System 7. It's accelerated for PowerPC. If you have the Appearance Manager and/or same the Navigation Manager and/or same the Drag Manager, they will be taken advantage of. Some menu items may be disabled if you don't have Internet Config 2.0 installed (only on PowerMac.
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The Eraser selected as one of "Best Softwares of the Year 1997" by Takarajima magazine.
The Eraser selected as 'especially to be recommended by computer journalists' on macpool.
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