The Musician Pro 3.1.0
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The Musician Pro plays any sound file QuickTime supports directly ('Mp3 ', 'MPG3', 'PLAY', 'SwaT', 'WAVE', 'AIFF', 'AIFC', 'VfW ', '.WAV', 'Midi', 'ULAW', 'sfil', 'BINA', 'MPEG', 'MPGa', 'MPGv', 'MPGx', 'dvc!', 'sd2f', 'MooV' and more...) and, if you want, files supported through conversion (i.e. CD Audio tracks ('trak')). Moreover The Musician Pro plays 'snd ' resources inside whatever file!
But the strength of The Musician Pro is its scanning ability: it may explore your HDs, CDs, folders, diskettes, files, searching for sounds to play. For example you may drag your disks on The Musician Pro then continuing your normal work: The Musician Pro will play, asynchronously and in background, any file of above that will find.
According to your setting The Musician Pro can play any sound immediately or after your consent, in addition you may instruct The Musician Pro to collect aliases of sound files, while it's playing, so you may enjoy them, when you want, without perform another search.
The main window has a simple bar that meters the input level of the microphone, you may disable the bar through the preferences.
At last The Musician Pro may show the QuickTime keyboard (for your fun!) and record new sounds in 'sfil' or 'AIFF' format.
After all you may use the enclosed Contextual Menu Extension for asking The Musician Pro to play your selection.
The Musician Pro is Internet Config, Drag Manager and Navigation Manager aware, moreover it's Appearance savvy. It requires at least System 9 to run and uses QuickTime to play almost all files.
What's new in 3.1.0 version
- Contextual Menu extension.
- Support of any sound file QuickTime sports.
- New About box.
- Minor bug, saving window position, fixed.
- Position saving for each window.
- Recompiled by using the newest compiler.
- Linked with MoreFiles 1.5.
- Recompiled with Interfaces-Libraries 3.3.
- Linked with Internet Config 2.0.2.
- Better Navigation Dialogs.
- Removed multiple streams.
- A bug in Navigation routines fixed.
- Try QuickTime on unknwn files.
- Just one single window.
- Volume changing.
- Addresses update.
- 68K processors no longer supported.
- Pro version.
Hardware and software requirements
The Musician Pro should work on any Power Macintosh with a minimum of System 9. It's accelerated for PowerPC. If you have the Appearance Manager and/or same the Navigation Manager, they will be taken advantage of. Some menu items may be disabled if you don't have Internet Config 2.0 installed (only on PowerMac).
QuickTime is needful to play whatever file except for 'sfil', 'snd ' resources inside files and 'AIFF' (but if you don't have at least QuickTime 2.5 The Musician Pro plays 'AIFF' synchronously).
Support of different kind of files is dependent on QuickTime version.
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Visitors of this Site:
The Musician selected as one of "Best Softwares of the Year 1997" by Takarajima magazine.
The Musician page on Shareware Music Machine.
The Musician page on FileDudes.
The Musician page on Harmony Central.